Intro Verse:
[D]How [F#m]did I [Bm7]know know [Bm7/E]that the w[G]armth[G/F#] of the g[Em7]low [Edim]would l[D]ast,[F#7][B7]
D F#m Bm7 Bm7/E G G/F# Em7 Edim Dalt D9 D7
And how did I guess that the long lone - li - ness was past?
[G]I m[A]erely l[F#m]ooked at [Bm]you, [Edim]and I k[E7]new, t[G]hen [G/F#]and t[Em7]here[Edim] I kn[D]ew.
[Em7]It's [Cdim]you or [A7]no one[Edim] for [D]me.
[A]I'm [Cdim]sure of t[A]his [D] each t[G]ime we k[D]iss;[D7]
N[C]ow [C/B]and for - [Am7]ev - er[Am7/G] and w[G]hen fo[G/F#]rever's don[E7]e,
Y[A]ou'll [Edim]find that y[E7]ou are [E7/6]still the [A]one.
[Em7]So pl[A7]ease[Cdim] don't say "[A7]no" [Edim] to my pl[D]ea,
[A]'Cause[Em7] if you[Gdim] do, [A7] th[D]en I[G]'m all t[Cdim]hrough.[B7]
Th[G]ere's [G/F#]this ab[E7]out you: [D] my w[F#m]orld's an [Bm7]empty w[A]orld w[Em7]ith - o[A]ut [Edim]you;
[Em7]It's [Cdim]you or [A7]no one[Edim] for [D]me.
I[C]t's a m[C/B]atter of [Am7]now and f[Am7/G]orever, when f[G]orever [G/F#]is all d[E7]one,
[A]You'll[Edim] find that [E7]you are[E7/6] still the[A] one.
[Em7]So pl[A7]ease[Cdim] don't say "[A7]no" [Edim] to my pl[D]ea,
[A]'Cause[Em7] if you[Gdim] do, [A7] th[D]en I[G]'m all t[Cdim]hrough.[B7]
Th[G]ere's [G/F#]this ab[E7]out you: [D] my w[F#m]orld's an [Bm7]empty w[A]orld w[Em7]ith - o[A]ut [Edim]you;
[Em7]It's [Cdim]you or [A7]no one[Edim] for [D]me.
[D]How [F#m]did I [Bm7]know know [Bm7/E]that the w[G]armth[G/F#] of the g[Em7]low [Edim]would l[D]ast,[F#7][B7]
D F#m Bm7 Bm7/E G G/F# Em7 Edim Dalt D9 D7
And how did I guess that the long lone - li - ness was past?
[G]I m[A]erely l[F#m]ooked at [Bm]you, [Edim]and I k[E7]new, t[G]hen [G/F#]and t[Em7]here[Edim] I kn[D]ew.
[Em7]It's [Cdim]you or [A7]no one[Edim] for [D]me.
[A]I'm [Cdim]sure of t[A]his [D] each t[G]ime we k[D]iss;[D7]
N[C]ow [C/B]and for - [Am7]ev - er[Am7/G] and w[G]hen fo[G/F#]rever's don[E7]e,
Y[A]ou'll [Edim]find that y[E7]ou are [E7/6]still the [A]one.
[Em7]So pl[A7]ease[Cdim] don't say "[A7]no" [Edim] to my pl[D]ea,
[A]'Cause[Em7] if you[Gdim] do, [A7] th[D]en I[G]'m all t[Cdim]hrough.[B7]
Th[G]ere's [G/F#]this ab[E7]out you: [D] my w[F#m]orld's an [Bm7]empty w[A]orld w[Em7]ith - o[A]ut [Edim]you;
[Em7]It's [Cdim]you or [A7]no one[Edim] for [D]me.
I[C]t's a m[C/B]atter of [Am7]now and f[Am7/G]orever, when f[G]orever [G/F#]is all d[E7]one,
[A]You'll[Edim] find that [E7]you are[E7/6] still the[A] one.
[Em7]So pl[A7]ease[Cdim] don't say "[A7]no" [Edim] to my pl[D]ea,
[A]'Cause[Em7] if you[Gdim] do, [A7] th[D]en I[G]'m all t[Cdim]hrough.[B7]
Th[G]ere's [G/F#]this ab[E7]out you: [D] my w[F#m]orld's an [Bm7]empty w[A]orld w[Em7]ith - o[A]ut [Edim]you;
[Em7]It's [Cdim]you or [A7]no one[Edim] for [D]me.