Chord/Tab song: In Your Presence

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: In Your Presence - ( [C]In Y[D]our [G]presence t[D]hat's w[Em]here I am s[C]tr...)

4 years ago1058Other Songs Paul Wilbur
[C]In Y[D]our [G]presence t[D]hat's w[Em]here I am s[C]trong, in [D]Your [G]presenc[D]e O L[Am7]ord [Bm]My [C]God

[C]In Y[D]our [G]presence[D] that's [Em]where I be[C]long, se[Em]eking Your f[Bm]ace, [Em]touching Your [Bm]grace

[C]In the c[Bm]left of the R[Am7]ock, [C]in Your [D]presence O [Em]God!

[Em]I want to go where the [C]rivers cannot o[Am7]verf[Bm7]low me

[G6]Where my [C2]feet are on the [D]Rock

[Em]I want to hide where the [C]blazing fires

[Am7]Cannot[Bm7] burn me, [G6]in Your [C2]presence [Dsus]O God![D]

[Em]I want to hide where the[C] flood of evil [Am7]cannot [Bm7]reach me

[G6]Where I'm [C2]covered by the [D]Blood

[Em]I want to be where the [C]schemes of darkness

[Am7]Cannot [Bm7]touch me, [G6]in Your [C2]presence [Dsus]O God[D]!

[F]You ar[C]e my [F]firm foun[C]dation, I t[Em]rust in You a[D]ll day l[C]ong

[F]I [C]am Your [F]child and Your [C]servant and

[Em]You are my [D]strength and my [C]song, You're my [D]song

Chords List

Chord: In Your Presence - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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