Hợp âm - tab: I Loved You When - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: I Loved You When - ( Capo 2nd Fret [D]She stepped off the ai[A]rplane And [...)

Capo 2nd Fret

[D]She stepped off the ai[A]rplane

And [G]we drove straight to my ho[D]use

An hour later we were l[A]ying in bed

la[G]ughing right out l[D]oud

[G]We talked about the o[D]ld times

and w[G]e made love aga[D]in

[Bm]It'd been so long since my f[A]ingers touched her s[G]kin

[G]And we were so in lo[D]ve back then

Why d[G]idn't we work ou[D]t

H[Bm]ell, I don't know

It d[A]on't make sense to me n[G]ow

And she said t[D]ell me you love me

I lo[A]ve you

[D]She said say it again

Oh ho[A]ney I do

Then S[D]ay like you mean it

Like it's in your he[A]art and you bel[G]ieve it

I'm needing to believe it t[A]oo


[G]I loved you when we were i[D]nnocent

[G]I loved you when we were yo[D]ung

I lo[Bm]ved you when I was working on the be[G]aches in the sun

I l[G]oved you in that r[D]un down flat

We re[G]nted overse[D]as

I l[Bm]ove you now so po[A]werfully it br[G]ings me to my knees

And to[Bm]night when your hair fa[A]lls down around my f[G]ace

[D]I lo[A]ve yo[G]u

Verse 2

S[D]he got up for a dr[A]ink

Walked na[G]ked across the fl[D]oor

Looked back at me with that p[A]layful smile

I wa[G]nted her once m[D]ore

[G]She poured the wine and we dr[D]ank it

[G]She laid back down on the b[D]ed

Then she cu[Bm]rled up against me and sa[A]id if you want me

You're g[G]onna have to tell me again I said...


A[G]nd the next day at the ai[D]rport

[G]I held her cl[D]ose

and I ha[Bm]ted like h[A]ell to let her g[G]o

b[D]ut as I did, [A]I quietly sa[G]id

Chorus (3)

[G]I loved you when we were br[D]eaking up

W[G]hen the truth was hard to s[D]ee

I l[Bm]ove you now so p[A]owerfully it still br[G]ings me to my knees

and last ni[Bm]ght when your hair fe[A]ll down around my f[G]ace

[D]I lo[A]ve y[G]ou

Hope this is close. If anyone can improve it, I'll look forward to seeing it

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Hợp âm: I Loved You When - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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