Chord/Tab song: Ghost Town

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Ghost Town - ( Cheap Trick - Ghost Town Intro: [F]Ah ah ah ah ah[Dm] [A...)

Cheap Trick - Ghost Town

[F]Ah ah ah ah ah[Dm]
[Am]Ah ah ah ah ah[A#]

Well the street[F]s are all crowded
Lots of peop[C]le around
And there's musi[Dm]c playing
But I can't[A#] hear a sound
Just the soun[F]d of the rain
Falling si[C]lently down
Livin[Dm]' ain't been livin'
Since you put[A#] Mr Down
Y[Dm]eah, life goes on[C] around me ever[G]yday
But it m[A]ight as well be half a million miles away

It's like a ghost t[F]own witho[Dm]ut your love
Like a g[Am]host town withou[A#]t your love
Like a gho[F]st town, baby, can'[Dm]t you see?
It's a gh[Am]ost town unt[A#]il you come back to me[F]
ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,[Dm]
till you come back to me[Am]
ah, ah, ah, ah, [A#] ah

Verso 2:

Well I wish I still had you
Had you here next to me
Baby, where did you go?
Baby, why did you leave?

Though the world, it keeps turnin'
But it don't turn for me
Without you in my life
My life ain't no place to be

There's only lonely days and empty nights
Ain't the same without you, baby, nothin' feelin' right
nothin' feelin' right.

Repetir el Coro

Darlin',[Dm] I wanna leav[C]e this town
Do[Dm]n't wanna be aro[C]und[G]
[Dm]I'm gonna leav[C]e this town[G]
It's like a ghost [F]town



Repetir el Coro 3 veces

Saludos del Peru de su amigo Renato (

Chords List

Chord: Ghost Town - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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