Chord/Tab song: Funny How It Fades Away

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Funny How It Fades Away - ( Fastball-Funney how it fades away Tabbed By Dave wachala ...)

Fastball-Funney how it fades away
Tabbed By Dave wachala
1/2 down tuning



( Tab from: )
Verse 1
Those days when our hearts were as big as the sun
turn around with a smile for everyone
[F#5]that feeling's a memory
[A5]funny how it fades away
Verse 2:
Verse riff
You won't see those pale grays returning to blues
the colors will wash out as I shrink in my shoes
[F#5]and I won't always live and breathe
[A5]watch me as I fade away
[E]we wake in the[D] morning and work all [E]day
we dress up in the e[D]vening with nothing to[F#5] say
just like a candle burning brig[A5]ht
burning like forever then it fades away
Verse 3:
Verse riff
who on this planet would ever refuse
the chance of a lifetime to love and lose
[F#5]when time is of no importance
Bridge- I don't know how to play that wierd backwards\
Just play the Intro Riff
[E]we wake in the[D] morning and work all [E]day
we dress up in the e[D]vening with nothing to[F#5] say
just like a candle burning brig[A5]ht
[E]we wake in the[D] morning and work all [E]day
we dress up in the e[D]vening with nothing to[F#5] say
just like a candle burning brig[A5]ht
burning like forever then it fades away
Intro 4 times

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Funny How It Fades Away - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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