Chord/Tab song: Friends

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Friends - ( Transcribed by Jfregly Every chord in the song gets four...)

Transcribed by Jfregly

Every chord in the song gets four beats, except where there s a G followed by an F in
intro, in the verse and in the chorus.
The G and F get two downstroke beats each. Oh, and there s a country-style finish at
end, with a quick D G flourish. That s it.

Intro |G |D |G |G |G |G
|D |C |D |GF|C |G |D |G |G |

Well I d [G]never sleep with y[D]our ex girlf[G]riend[G]
Even i[G]f she starts to f[G]lirt with me a[D]gain[D]
[C] Allow me to apolo[D]gize for my sli[G]ghtly w[F]icked t[C]houghts
Cause [G]that s the kind of f[D]riend that you ve g[G]ot[G]

If a f[G]ight breaks out and y[D]ou re the cause of [G]it[G]
In some r[G]edneck bar where [G]you ve been talkin sh[D]it[D]
I will n[C]ot forsake you l[D]ater [G]in that [F]parking [C]lot
Cause t[G]hat s the kind of f[D]riend that you ve g[G]ot[G]


Well through the la[C]ughter and the te[C]ars
We go s[G]tumbling through the y[G]ears
A [G]bit dysfunction[G]al well folks might s[D]ay[D]
Well I ve g[C]ot the dirt on y[C]ou
And you ve got [G]plenty [F]on me [C]too
So I p[G]ray we stay tog[D]ether all our d[G]ays[G]

Solo on verse/intro chords


[G] [D][G]
So when you[G] re on a date and you finally bring that girl home
Put a little [G]Captain Beefheart on the stereo [G]and disconnect the ph[D]one[D]
I ll [C]show up drunk and r[D]aving
And then I ll [G]pass out [F]on the [C]spot
Cause t[G]hat s the kind of f[D]riend that you ve g[G]ot[G]


Well through the la[C]ughter and the te[C]ars
We go s[G]tumbling through the y[G]ears
A [G]bit dysfunction[G]al well folks might s[D]ay[D]
Well I ve g[C]ot the dirt on y[C]ou
And you ve got [G]plenty [F]on me [C]too
So I p[G]ray we stay tog[D]ether all our d[G]ays Dear [C]lord!
So I p[G]ray we stay tog[D]ether all our d[G]ays[D][G]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Friends - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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