Chord/Tab song: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle - ( NIRVANA : frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle...)

5 years ago1896In Utero (1993) Nirvana
NIRVANA : frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle.
Tabbed by jaymz:
frances farmer will have her revenge on seattle
by nirvana (duh)
inaccurate transcription by : jaymz

intro (clean)
[a]e [555555]333333 / [222]000 [555]333 / [222]000 [555]333


dist on--)(--clean (---dist again

[d] [4444444] [44444444]
[a]e [2222222] [5555555]3333333 [222]000 [555]333 [222]000 [555]333 [22222222]

chorus (distorted as hell) 3x
[d] [666666] [999999]
[a]e [444444] [777777] [9999999]7777777

last time
[d]a [66666]44444 [99999]77777 9999877778999987775555544444
e 7777655556777765553333322222

solo (i use that term loosely)
[d]a 66 xx [99]77 66 xx [99]77 [666666677777666]444444455555444
e 44 xx 44 xx

verse 1
its so relieving to know that yr leaving as soon as you get paid/it sp relaxing to hear that yr asking whenever you get yr own way/ its so soothing to know that youll sue me this is starting to sound the same

i miss the comfort in being sad

verse 2
in her false witness hope yr still with us to see if they float or drown/ our favorite paitient display of paitience disease covered pugent sound/ shell come back as fire and burn all the liars leave a blanket of ash on the ground

verse 3
(same as the first)

if you have any corrections dont bother emailing me just tab it yrself and post it (you can even take credit for the stuff i actaully got right)
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Chord: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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