Chord/Tab song: Forty-Five Years

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Forty-Five Years - ( Just so happens I've got that one on the machine.... Let'...)

Just so happens I've got that one on the machine.... Let's see now...
Oh yeah, a caveat, since I actually play mandolin I usually simpify guitar
chords, not knowing how to translate them there sus's and things... So this
might not be strictly chapter and verse, but it works. Enjoy.

Forty-Five Years (guitar - capo 3rd fret) - By Stan Rogers

Where the E[G]arth show it bones of wind broken stone

and the s[D/F#]ea and the sky are one

I'm c[Am]aught out of time, my bl[C]ood sings with wine

and I'm ru[D/F#]nning naked in the sun

There's G[G]od in the trees, I'm weak in the knees

and the [D/F#]sky is a painful blue

I'd l[Am]ike to look around, but H[C]oney all I [D/F#]see is yo[G]u.


Intro to chorus is G-C-G-D/F#

And I j[C]ust want to hold you closer than I've ever h[G]eld anyo[C]ne before[G]

You say you've [C]been twice a wife and you're t[G]hrough with life

Ah but [Am]Honey what the [Am/G]hell's it fo[D/F#]r

After tw[C]enty-three years you'ld think I could find a way[G]

to let you k[C]now somehow[G]

That I w[Am]ant to see your sm[Am/G]iling face [D/F#]forty five years fro[G]m now.

The su[G]mmer city lights will soften the night

'Til you'd[D] think that the air is clear

And I'm s[Am]itting with friends where for[C]ty-five cents

Will b[D]uy another glass of beer

He's got som[G]ething to say, but I'm so far away

That I do[D]n't know who I'm talking to

'Cause yo[Am]u just walked in the door, and [C]Honey, All I s[D]ee is y[G]ou.

To Chorus

So alon[G]e in the lights on stage every night

I've been rea[D/F#]ching out to find a friend

Who kn[Am]ows all the words, s[C]ings so she's heard

And k[D/F#]nows how all the stories end

Maybe a[G]fter the show she'1l ask me to go

Home w[D/F#]ith her for a drink or two

Now her s[Am]mile lights her eyes, but H[C]oney, all I s[D/F#]ee is y[G]ou.

Repeat Chorus twice

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: Forty-Five Years - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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