Chord/Tab song: Evil

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Evil - ( Evil Interpol. Intro. [F]Rosem[Am]ary, Hea[Dm]ven restor...)

5 years ago2853Antics (2004) Interpol

[F]Rosem[Am]ary, Hea[Dm]ven restores you in life[Am]
[F]You're coming w[Am]ith me, Thr[Dm]ough the aging, the fearing, the [Am]strife


It's th[F]e smiling on the package
It's t[Am]he faces in the sand
It's t[F]he thought that moves you upwards
Embra[Am]cing me with two hands

Right[F] will take you places
Yeah [Am]maybe to the beach
When y[F]our friends they do come crying
Tell t[Am]hem now your pleasure's set up[F]on [Dm]slow[Am] release


[F]Hey [Dm]wait[Am]
[F]Grea[Dm]t smi[Am]le
[F]Sens[Dm]itive[Am] to fate, not denial

[F]But hey who's on trial?[G][F]

[F]It took a lifespan with no [Dm]cellmate
The [A#]long way back[Am]
[C]Sandy, why can't we [Bb]look the other way?


We[F] speak about travel
Ye[Am]ah we think about the land
We [F]smart like all peoples
Fee[Am]ling real tan

I [F]could take you places
Do[Am] you need a new man?
Wip[F]e the pollen from the faces
Make[Am] revision to a dream while you wait i[F]n t[Dm]he v[Am]an

[F]Hey[Dm] wai[Am]t
[F]Gre[Dm]at [Am]smile
Sen[F]sitiv[Dm]e to f[Am]ate, not denial

[F]But hey who's on tria[G]l?[F]


[F]It took a lifespan with no [Dm]cellmate
The[A#] long way bac[Am]k
[C]Sandy, why can't we look[A#] the other way?
[F]You're weightless; you are [Dm]exotic
You [A#]need something for which[Am] to care
Sa[C]ndy, why can't we look the o[A#]ther way?

[F] [Am]

Lea[F]ve some shards under the belly
Lay[Am] some grease inside my hand
It'[F]s a sentimental jury
And[Am] the makings of a good plan
You[F]'ve come to love me lightly
Yea[Am]h you come to hold me tight
Is t[F]his motion ever lasting
Or d[Am]o shudders pass in the night?
[F]Rosema[Am]ry, Hea[Dm]ven restores you in [Am]life


I s[F]pent a lifetime with no ce[Dm]llmate
The lon[A#]g way back[Am]
Sand[C]y, why can't we look the other wa[A#]y?

[F]You're weightless, semi-er[Dm]otic
You nee[A#]d someone to ta[Am]ke you there
Sandy, w[C]hy can't we look the other way[A#]?
Why[C] can't we just play the other [A#]game?
[C]Why can't we just look the oth[A#]er way?[F]

Chords List

Chord: Evil - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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