Chord/Tab song: Empire Builder

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Empire Builder - ( Intro G C x2 G Em x2 (Verse) [G]This is not an escape Bu...)

G C x2
G Em x2

[G]This is not an escape
But I don't know h[C]ow to hold somebody without l[G]osing my g[Em]rip
You'll say [G]I was bound to leave
Since I first s[C]tepped across your borders
Since I c[G]rawled into your s[Em]kin

Thought I heard you w[D]hisper in the d[G]ark
That you knew where the l[C]ight would be
T[Em]hought I saw your s[D]hape against the b[G]lack
Thought I felt you m[C]oving beside me

We are not a[D]lone and we are m[G]ore alone than we've e[C]ver been
So hurry up and l[D]ose me
H[G]urry up and find me, [Em]again

G Em (x2)

So I'll p[G]ass the lumber mills
I'll pass the c[Em]oal mines and the p[C]arks
And the d[G]ried up oil f[Em]ields
I'll pass a t[C]housand lonely p[G]ines that bend the backs against the [Em]sun
But I'll mis[C]take the station [G]birds for the sound of my phone r[Em]inging

Thought I heard you wh[D]isper in the d[G]ark
That you knew where the l[C]ight would be
D[Em]on't wait for me to w[D]alk a straight l[G]ine
You can only h[C]old your breath so long

We are not al[D]one and we are [G]more alone than we've e[C]ver been
So hurry up and l[D]ose me
Hu[G]rry up and find me, a[Em]gain

G Em (x2)

But I am [G]no less bound to you
Than when I c[Em]rossed into your s[C]ilence
When I h[G]eld your solit[Em]ude
But you never l[G]iked it

When I'd play dead
And you [Em]wondered why my l[C]ove songs are al[G]ways the grieving [Em]kind
Why I w[C]ander off to s[G]earch for my reflection in the [Em]crowd

[C]Oh, forget I said l[Em]ove
And a[G]lso, don't forget I said l[C]ove
We are not a[D]lone and we are m[G]ore alone than we've e[C]ver been
So hurry up and l[D]ose me
H[G]urry up and find me [Em]again

G Em (x4)

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Empire Builder - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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