Hợp âm - tab: Don't Know Why - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Don't Know Why - ( The chords are taken from the Wonderland book, but the so...)

5 years ago1458Wonderland (2005) McFly
The chords are taken from the Wonderland book, but the solo bit is what I have done by
because I can't actualy read the music :s so if it's wrong please email me any
at [email protected]. Hope you enjoy this song ^_^

[Ab] [Gb] [Db] [Ab]
Verse 1
[Ab] One by one,
[Gb] Drinks are gone.
[Db] Do I have to sta[Ab]y?

Hate the sound,
[Gb] of one more pound,
[Db] as it rolls away[Ab],
[Db] Why did I,
[Db/G] Need your proof,
[Db] When I knew the truth?

[Db/G] And I don't know why[Ab],
I just let it slip by[Gbmaj7],
Me all the time[Db],
I just wished you'd have tried[Ab].

Verse 2
[Ab] I don't want,
[Gb] To know your game,
[Db] Let alone her name[Ab].

No matter what,
[Gb] You say to me
[Db] We are not the same[Ab].
[Db] Why do you[Db/G],
Make me cry[Db],
[Db/G] And try to justify,
[Db] to right your wrong,
[Db/G] with my mistakes,
[Db] Cos my head's held high[Db/G].

[Db/G]And I don't know why[Ab],
I just let it slip by[Gbmaj7],
Me all the time[Db].
I just wish you'd hav tried[Ab].

[Db/G]And I don't know why[Ab],
I just let it slip by[Gbmaj7],
Me all the time[Db].
I just wish you'd hav tried[Ab].

Verse 3

[Abm]Dreams we have as dreams all fade away[Ab],
[Abm]Now it's not the same[Absus2/4].

(listen for timing)


[Db/G]And I don't know why[Ab],
I just let it slip by[Gbmaj7],
Me all the time[Db].
I just wish you'd hav tried[Ab].
[Db/G]And I don't know why[Ab],
I just let it slip by[Gbmaj7],
Me all the time[Db].
I just wish you'd hav tried[Ab].

[Ab] [Gb] [Ab] [Gb] [Ab]
There's no way I can do the last little soloish bit... so sorry about that! But feel
to email me with any corrections, and don't for get to rate me ^_^

Emz x

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Don't Know Why - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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