Chord/Tab song: Don't Blink

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Don't Blink - ( Don't Blink by Relient K [G-G-Bm-C] [G-Em-Bm-C] [G]Don...)

Don't Blink by Relient K

[G]Don't know where to go from here

My thoughts are tangled twisted fears
[Em]Been waitin' a while now on the dawn
[C]Seems like the sun may never come

[G]I made my way through the darkest night

To the break of day on the other side
[Em]For some time the light's been creepin' in
[C]Now I'm feeling like I could trust again

[D]You're the only person who r[Em]eminds me
[G]Love is beautiful and true
[C]Life is beautiful and new
[D]You're the only person who r[Em]eminds [C]me

[G]Hold on now [Bm]don't you blink or it's g[C]one
I've been [D]terrified of life for way to long
[G]Oh no now [Bm]don't you blink or it's go[Em]ne
In [D]another life who [C]knows what we'd become?

[Em]Love is beauti[D]ful and true
[C]Life is beauti[G]ful and new[Em][D]

[G]Been making plans and drawing maps

I plan to take the righteous path
[Em]And hope and pray it leads me back
[C]To all the happiness I had

[G]Been making lists and crossing off

Every kiss that wasn't love
[Em]And every word that stretched the truth
[C]Like when she said she loved me
[D]You're the only person who re[Em]minds [C]me

[G]Hold on now [Bm]don't you blink or it's g[C]one
I've been [D]terrified of life for way to long
[G]Oh no now [Bm]don't you blink or it's go[Em]ne
In [D]another life who [C]knows what we'd become?

[G]Hold on now [Bm]don't you blink or it's g[C]one
[D]Ohhhhhh oh oh oh
[G]Oh no now [Bm]don't you blink or it's go[Em]ne
In [D]another life who [C]knows what we'd become?

[Em]Love is beauti[D]ful and true
[C]Life is beauti[G]ful and new[Em][D]

[G]Been making lists and crossing off

Every kiss that wasn't love
[Em]And every word that stretched the truth
[C]Like when she said she loved me

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Chord: Don't Blink - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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