Chord/Tab song: Delivery Boy

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Delivery Boy - ( Truckstop Honeymoon - Delivery Boy Tabbed by: Danny Halst...)

Truckstop Honeymoon - Delivery Boy
Tabbed by: Danny Halstead


strum open strings and hammer on an "A" chord in 1st position for several bars.

Verse 1 and Chorus:
[A]Well he rides around town on a '68 Schwinn
With a [D]basket big enough to fit the [E]whole world i[A]n
The si[D]ght of him, fi[E]lls me with Joy
[A]I'm in love (in love) with a bic[D]ycle del[E]ivery b[A]oy
a bicy[D]cle deli[E]very b[A]oy

Verse 2:
Got a p[E]air of handle bars, a bu[A]tton on his seat
Big b[D]ears on a bag, wh[E]ere I put my fe[A]et
[D]When the time comes and [E]he chooses me
I will [D]go with him on a [E]delivery -> CHORUS

Verse 3:
Well he[E] goes the wrong way down a [A]one way street
[D]Jumps the curb and knocks me o[E]ff my f[A]eet
He's a re[D]al outlaw like Je[E]sse James
But he d[D]on't rob banks and he do[E]n't rob trains -> CHORUS

Verse 4:
He us[E]ed to be something down in [A]Hollywood
[D]I don't know what he were in, but it mu[E]st've been g[A]ood
[D]He's gone onto b[E]etter things
[D]Look at him go there's no c[E]atching him -> CHORUS


[A]I'm in love (in love) with a bic[D]ycle del[E]ivery b[A]oy

Cannot decipher these lyrics!

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo

Chord: Delivery Boy - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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