Chord/Tab song: Come Wake Me Up

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Come Wake Me Up - ( Chords: [C] [C2] [Am7] [Am] [F] [G] ----3--- ----0--- ...)


[C] [C2] [Am7] [Am] [F] [G]

----3--- ----0--- ----3--- ----0--- ----1--- ----3---
----1--- ----1--- ----1--- ----1--- ----1--- ----0---
----0--- ----0--- ----2--- ----2--- ----2--- ----0---
----2--- ----2--- ----2--- ----2--- ----3--- ----0---
----3--- ----3--- ----0--- ----0--- ----3--- ----2---
----x--- ----x--- ----0--- ----0--- ----x--- ----3---

Capo 3


(Verse 1)
[C]I can usually drink you right off of my mi[Am7]nd, but I miss you tonight
[C]I can normally push you right out of my he[Am7]art, but I'm too tired to fight

Y[F]eah the whole thing be[G]gins

A[G]nd I let you sink [Am]in to my veins and I feel the p[G]ain like

its n[F]ew

[F]Everything that we w[G]ere everything that you s[Am]aid.

[Am]Everything that I did and that [G]I couldnt [F]do

Plays thr[G]ough t[C2]onight


T[C]onight your memory, burns like a fire. W[Am7]ith everyone it grows higher and higher

[F]I can't get over it, I just can't put out this lo[C2]ve

[F]I just sit in these flames and pray that you'll come back.
C[Am]lose my eyes tightly

H[Am]old on and hope that I'm dre[F]amin', come wa[G]ke me [C2]up

(Verse 2)
[C] Turn the TV up loud just to drown out your v[Am7]oice, but I can't forget

[C] Now I'm all out of ideas and baby I'm d[Am7]own to my last cigarette
[F] Yeah, you're probably a[G]sleep deep inside of your d[Am]reams
[Am]While I'm sitting here crying and t[G]rying to s[F]ee
[F] Yeah, wherever you a[G]re baby now I am s[Am]ure you moved on

And a[Am]ren't thinking tw[G]ice about [F]me and y[G]ou t[C2]onight


[C] Tonight your memory, burns like a fire[Am7]. With everyone it grows higher and higher

[F]I can't get over it, I just can't put out this lo[C2]ve

[F]I just sit in these flames and pray that you'll come back.
C[Am]lose my eyes tightly

[Am]Hold on and hope that I'm dreamin',[F][G]

I know that you're m[Am]ovin' on

I know I should g[F]ive you up

But I keep h[Am]opin' that you'll trip and fall b[G]ack in love

So many versions of this song seem to be tabbed incorrectly. I believe this is
pretty close to the recorded version of the song.

Time's not healin' anyt[Am]hing

Baby, this pa[F]in is worse than it ever w[G]as

[C] I know that you can't hear me, but baby I [Am]need you to save me tonight

[C] Tonight your memory, burns like a fire[Am7]. With everyone it grows higher and higher

[F]I can't get over it, I just can't put out this fl[C2]ame

[F]I just sit in these flames and pray that you'll come back.
C[Am]lose my eyes tightly

[Am]Hold on and hope that I'm dr[F]eamin', come w[G]ake me [C2]up

Oh, I'm drea[F]ming, come w[G]ake me up[C2]

Oh, I'm drea[Am7]ming

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am71fr2fr3fr4frxo2o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: Come Wake Me Up - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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