Chord/Tab song: Closest (Look Out)

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Closest (Look Out) - ( Play chords this way... C: 332010 G: 32000x F: 103010 [C...)

Play chords this way...
C: 332010
G: 32000x
F: 103010

[C] [C] [C] [C]
[C]look out

there is danger e[G]ven in the s[F]imple word h[C]ello

h[G]iding i[C]n the r[F]eeds

y[G]ou would n[C]ot beli[F]eve where darkness g[C]oes

[C] [G] [F] [G]


is the warmth of e[G]yes that leaves us l[F]ying in d[C]efeat

f[G]rom the t[C]allest t[F]rees

it?s s[G]till too h[C]ard to s[F]ee

where darkness g[C]oes

[C] [C]

t[C]ell me

tell me there?s going to be t[F]ime left

t[G]ell me i?m stupid and i don?t have to w[F]orry

with the g[C]reen eyes

the green that comes from r[F]eflection

the b[G]lankets that do so well to p[F]rotect us

it?s [C]made up

the requests have all been e[F]ffected

with d[G]istortion and a hiss that?s not u[F]ndetected

and the g[C]reenness

it comes from a w[F]indow

or a p[G]icture or a movie i?ve n[F]ever been into

[C] [C] [C] [F] [G] [F] [F] [C] [C] [F] [G] [F] [F]


try to pull the c[G]olor from the c[F]orners we don?t k[C]now

when l[G]ight is n[C]ot i[F]mplied

there?s [G]no way [C]to d[F]ecide

what?s right or w[C]rong

[C] [F] [G] [C]

[C]tell me

tell me there?s time left

it?s[F] not worth it

worth it to worry

the[G] green eyes

the green from reflection

the[F] blankets there to protect us

it?s been[C] made up

the requests are effected

with[F] distortion and hiss is undetected

and the[G] greenness

comes from a window

or a[F] movie i?ve never been into

and you[C] go in

go cause you have to

with the[F] lights dim

credits start rolling

the[G] action though it?s before us

we look[F] sideways and act like it?s boring tonight

[C] [C] [F] [F] [G] [G] [F] [F]

[C]greeness [C]

[F]distortion [F]

[G]greeness [G]


[C] [C]

f[G]rom the t[C]allest t[F]rees

it?s s[G]till too h[C]ard to s[F]ee

where darkness g[C]oes

-Kelly Helms

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Closest (Look Out) - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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