Hợp âm - tab: Carnival - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Carnival - ( Mark Lanegan - Carnival Standard A Cadd9 and G work fine ...)

Mark Lanegan - Carnival
Standard A Cadd9 and G work fine and flow a lot better then bar chords do for me
as a novice I strum with an emphasis on the low note at the change and the high notes
the measure: do dadadadada do dadadadada do dadadadada
if you have a friend who plays the violin this is a great tune to jam as the violin
the plucky solo during the bridge

[A]Where in the w[Cadd9]orld have you b[G]een
It's as s[A]trange as [Cadd9]I've ever li[G]ved
So you're [A]coming [Cadd9]along to the s[G]ide show
I'll be [A]falling all[Cadd9] over like [G]dominoes
For [A]girls are [Cadd9]sad in their [G]eyes
Their all[A] standing [Cadd9]around being hy[G]pnotized
And wa[A]lking me [Cadd9]back to the f[G]iring line
You s[A]miled a[Cadd9]gain in the d[G]oor
You c[A]an't ke[Cadd9]ep it closed any[G]more
Tell your [A]ma that you've [Cadd9]gone to the f[G]reak show
I'm c[A]rawling al[Cadd9]l over the car[G]nival
Just sc[A]ratching a s[Cadd9]titch in the s[G]kin
I'm [A]moaning f[Cadd9]or more other me[G]dicine
In the [A]morning you're [Cadd9]wondering where you've been[G]
Just t[A]urning your b[Cadd9]ack to the ghost[G]s
And [A]trying to lo[Cadd9]ok like you just might [G]know
That a[A]ll the g[Cadd9]ood that you've [G]seen
Ju[A]st went d[Cadd9]own and entered the [G]dream
All the[A] kids and their[Cadd9] straight out [G]now
In the m[A]orning I [Cadd9]want to find it [G]all out
[A]Honey w[Cadd9]hat can [G]be
It's as s[A]trange as I[Cadd9]'ve ever s[G]een
The g[A]irls are [Cadd9]dead in their[G] eyes
Jus[A]t standing a[Cadd9]round like th[G]eir hypnotized
And f[A]ollow me b[Cadd9]ack to the fr[G]eak show
I'm [A]crawling all [Cadd9]over the c[G]arnival
And[A] I [Cadd9] am h[G]ome
(Coda) 1time
repeat pattern with vocal inflections and violin jam

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Cadd91fr2fr3fr4frx21o3o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Hợp âm: Carnival - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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