Hợp âm - tab: California Dreamer - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: California Dreamer - ( Album: At Mount Zoomer Song: California Dreamer Tabbed b...)

Album: At Mount Zoomer
Song: California Dreamer

Tabbed by: Peter Matyskiela

Intro: Em

[C]California [Em]dreamer
[C]Tell me why did you g[Em]o
[C]I carved your [D]ever fading f[Em]igure
[C]Into the [D]ever dying [Em]snow[C]
I'll be around[D], I'll be around, I'll be [Em]around[C]
Like a t[D]eenager in to[Em]wn[C]
Where all the ot[D]her young lovers are foun[Em]d
And I think I might have h[D]eard you on the ra[C]dio[G]
But the r[C]adio [D]waves were like s[Em]now
[C]And you were dr[D]eaming of Los Ange[Em]les
[C]While I was s[D]inging songs you wro[Em]te
[C]You quietly g[D]ave away the win[Em]ter clothes I made for you
[C]While I made an[D]gels in the sn[Em]ow
[C]And I would have le[D]ft if you'd just [Em]asked me to
[C]Or come to me bef[D]ore the pre[Em]acher
[C]Now you're a su[D]rvivor
And I just [Em]thought I might have [D]heard you on the ra[C]dio[G]
But the r[C]adio [D]waves were like s[Em]now
I thought I might have h[D]eard you on the ra[C]dio[G]
But the r[C]adio [D]waves were like s[Em]now
Do the y[C]oung stay p[D]retty, do the [C]pretty stay[G] quick?
You kn[C]ow, but you nev[D]er surr[C]ender
The city doesn't belo[Em]ng to [G]you anymore

[D]California [Em]dreamer
[Em]You dream of seasons that never die
You go to oceans that never touch the ice
You dream of seasons that never die
You go to oceans that never touch the ice
You dream of seasons that never die
You go to oceans that never touch the ice

Surrender the city to splendor
The creatures get younger and younger
And I think I might have h[D]eard you on the ra[C]dio[G]
But the r[C]adio [D]waves were like s[Em]now
Oh I think I might have he[D]ard you on the rad[C]io[G]
But the r[C]adio w[D]aves were like snow
Do the y[C]oung stay p[D]retty, do the [C]pretty stay[G] quick?
You kn[C]ow, but you nev[D]er surr[C]ender
The city doesn't belo[Em]ng to [G]you anymore
[D]California [Em]dreamer
I'll be around[D], I'll be around, I'll be [Em]around[C]
Like a t[D]eenager in to[Em]wn[C]
With all the [D]other young lovers their [G]mothers may have fo[C]und
Calif[D]ornia d[Em]reamer

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Hợp âm: California Dreamer - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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