Chord/Tab song: Bring On the Night

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Bring On the Night - ( (Capo 3rd Fret) I[D]t's twilight and the street lights a...)

(Capo 3rd Fret)

I[D]t's twilight and the street lights are coming [G]on
I'm in a s[D]tring of cars on this boulevard headed [A]home
I can h[D]ardly wait for you to[D7] make what whent wrong today
s[G]eem right
It's been a [D]long hard day [A]so bring on the n[D]ight

B[D]ring on the night and pull down the s[G]hades
lock the world [D]outside and throw the key [A]away
Turn on the [D]feelings and turn out the [A]lights
lets call it a [G]day a[A]nd bring on the [D]night

2nd verse:
Fr[D]om nine to five it's the same old grind all week l[G]ong
And the o[D]nly thing that keeps me sane is coming [A]home
And when the s[D]un goes down [D7]you know how to set things
L[D]et's put the day behind us[A] and bring on the [D]night.

Repeat chorus:

Chords List

Chord: Bring On the Night - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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