Chord/Tab song: Breakfast in Seattle

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Breakfast in Seattle - ( Truckstop Honeymoon - Breakfast in Seattle Tabbed By: Dan...)

Truckstop Honeymoon - Breakfast in Seattle
Tabbed By: Danny Halstead


strum c G F G (x2)

The lyrics in this song are a bit hard for an Aussie to interpret but here goes...

Start the day as you left off
[G]A smoke is sure to clear your cough
[F]Take a sip from a wounded soldier
[G]Through your coat over your shoulder
Days are long and need punctuation
[G]The first stop is a gas station
[F]Buy a pack of Old Golds
and some kind of beer you don't have to keep cold
Coz the fridge is broke and that's alright
[G]You got no food no apetite
[F]You drink champagne and Krystal Lite
G c
That's breakfast in Seattle

Take a walk up Denny Way
[G]Try to get the blood back to your feet
[F]Go find the Green Cat Cafe
[G]and order someting to eat
Two eggs over hard
[G]Paid for on a gas card
[F]Your Daddy never reads the statement
[G]He gets the Bills, then he pays them
You meet Jimmy like you always do
[G]He's always in the same shape as you
[F]You walk together down Denny Way
[G]Shouting out at the traffic
Hey you slaves, you coffee jerks
[F]You CEOs, you're late for work
You go back to the monastery
[G]Where they are shootin' up in the sanctuary
[F]You got a pallet on the floor
[G]What do you need a god damn job for?
You got credit and you got cash
[G]You got coffee and you got hash
[F]You've got friends, I can never have
[G]I don't care, life's not so bad
Sure it's cold but you don't complain
[G]You'll like Seattle when its gray and raining
[F]You've had enough of the sunny south
[G]And redneck clubs, they sing about
You don't miss the slower pace
[G]Your mind--, it just loves to race
[F]You got means and you know ways
[G]You can stay away for days and days
Here's the church and here's the steeple
[G]and my hypodermic space needle
[F]Open the door and take a peek
[G]On the fingers there are the people
Suddenly it all comes clear
[G]You can see all the way to Melbourne (1) here
[F]Until the rain sets in for good
[G]Don't want your car washed, its understood.

Baby you talk a mile a minute
[G]and you tell the story, hey I'm in it
[F]I'll be walking with you all the way
[G]Up the hill, to the Green Cat Cafe

Then it ends, like it began
[G]With an ashtray and an empty can
[F]Had a battle you can stand
G c
at Breakfast in Seattle


(1) I know it's not Melbourne but I'm an Aussie and that's
the nearest city that sounds like what they sing!

Phew! What an epic saga! This is the best I can with trying to
understand the accents. Some of the phrasing is a bit weird and
I am happy to be corrected on any lyrics that I have got wrong.

Please rate and or comment on this song!

Have fun with it.

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Breakfast in Seattle - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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