Chord/Tab song: Borderline

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Borderline - ( # #Chords Used A5 G5 C5 D5 #Tabbed by:SinisterSinner7 #Con...)

#Chords Used A5 G5 C5 D5
#Tabbed by:SinisterSinner7
#This song is basically just a repitition of the same riff..
#a good song for beginners and is badass to jam to...
#Tuning:Half Step Down (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb)












[A5] [G5] [C5] [D5]
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
[A5]Youre the best friend that [G5]I have
[C5]sometimes I wish [D5]I was dead
[A5]but you cant go changing [G5]everything you [C5]feel like changing [D5]can you
I wish I was just like you
I dont like my attitude
but you cant go being everybody that you want to can you
[A5]Aint nobody aroun[G5]d
[C5]Im just sitting here by [D5]myself
[A5]with next to nothing [G5]on my min[C5]d, ye[D5]ah.....
[A5]Aint nobody aroun[G5]d
[C5]Im just sitting here by [D5]myself
[A5]relaxing on the [G5]borderl[C5]ine, ye[D5]ah....
Youre the only girl I love
Im on many kinds of drugs
I cant see and I cant breathe and I cant stay and I cant leave
If its good lets take it slow
baby Im a fucking joke
and if I can Ill do my best and do it right regardless of this
Aint nobody around
Im just sitting here by myself
with next to nothing on my mind
Aint nobody around
Im just sitting here by myself
relaxing on the borderline

Chords List

Chord: Borderline - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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