Chord/Tab song: Baby Jane

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Baby Jane - ( key: C [C]Baby Jane, don't leave me [G)]hanging on the li...)

key: C
[C]Baby Jane, don't leave me [G)]hanging on the line,
I kn[Am]ew you when you had no[F] on[Am]e to tal[F]k to.[G]
N[C]ow you're moving in h[G]igh society,
d[Am]on't forget I know se[F]cre[Am]ts abou[F]t you[G].
[F] I used to think you were o[G]n my side,
but n[F]ow I'm no longer s[G]ure.
[F] I wish I knew what [Am]I know now - befo[G]re.
Wh[Am]en I give my he[G]art again, I kno[F]w, it's gonna la[Am]st forev[G]er.
N[Am]o one tell me whe[G]re or when, I kno[F]w, it's gonna la[Am]st forev[G]er.
B[C]aby Jane, don't it m[G]ake you feel sad,
j[Am]ust when I thought that we[F] we[Am]re win[F]nin[G]g.
Y[C]ou and I were so cl[G]ose in every way,
do[Am]n't time fly when you're lo[F]vi[Am]ng and lau[F]ghin[G]g.
[F] I've said goodbye so m[G]any times,
the s[F]ituation ain't all that n[G]ew.
[F] Optimism's my b[Am]est defense, I'll get thro[G]ugh without you.
Wh[Am]en I give my hea[G]rt again, I kno[F]w, it's gonna l[Am]ast fore[G]ver.
N[Am]o one tell me whe[G]re or when, I kno[F]w, it's gonna l[Am]ast fore[G]ver.
[Am]I won't be that d[G]umb again, I kn[F]ow, it's gotta l[Am]ast fore[G]ver.
W[Am]hen I fall in lo[G]ve again, I kno[F]w, it's gonna la[Am]st forev[G]er.
B[C]aby Jane, I've said a[G]ll I want to say,
g[Am]o your own way, don't thi[F]nk twi[Am]ce abou[F]t me.[G]
[C] [G]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Baby Jane - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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