Chord/Tab song: Babel

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Babel - ( This is chords for songs off this album that I have heard...)

5 years ago1345 Mumford & Sons
This is chords for songs off this album that I have heard. I will add the others when
I've heard them.

1.Babel(Coming Soon)
2.Whispers in the Dark
3.I Will Wait
4.Holland Road
5.Ghosts that we Knew
6.Lover of the Light
7.Lovers' Eyes
8.Reminder(Coming Soon)
9.Hopeless Wanderer
10.Broken Crown(Coming Soon)
11.Below my Feet
12.Not with Haste(Coming Soon)
13.For those Below(Coming Soon)
14.The Boxer
15.Where are You Now?



2.Whispers in the Dark
Chords to:

Capo 2

[C]You hold your truth so p[Am]urely
Swerve not thro[G]ugh the m[F]inds of [Am]men
This lie, it is [G]dead
[C]And this cup of yours tastes h[Am]oly
A brush with the devil[G] can clea[F]r your m[Am]ind
And strengthen your sp[G]ine

But fin[Am]gers tap int[F]o what you were o[C]nce
And I'm w[Am]orried that I b[F]lew my only c[C]hance

[F]Whispers in the d[C]ark
Steal a k[G]iss and you'll break a h[Am]eart
Pick up your[F] clothes and curl your t[C]oes
Learn your l[G]esson, lead me [Am]home
Spare my [F]sins for the a[C]rk
I was to [G]slow to d[Am]epart
I'm a [F]cad but I'm not a [Am]flawed
I set [G]out to serve the Lo[C]rd.
[F]But my h[C]eart
Was c[F]older when you'd [C]gone
[F]I lost my h[C]ead
But [F]found the one that I lo[C]ved
Under th[F]e sun[C]
Under t[G]he sun[C]

But fin[Am]gers tap int[F]o what you were o[C]nce
And I'm w[Am]orried that I b[F]lew my only c[C]hance
But fin[Am]gers tap int[F]o what you were o[C]nce
And I'm w[Am]orried that I b[F]lew my only c[C]hance

[F]But my h[C]eart
[F]Was colder when you'd [C]gone[F]
I lost my h[C]ead
[F]But still, while we are [C]young
While we are [Am]young[C]
While we are [Am]young[C]
While we are [Am]young[C]


3.I Will Wait
Chords to:

Capo 1

[C]And I came home
Like a [F]stone
And I fell[C] heavy into your [G]arms
These days of[C] dust
Which we've [F]known
Will blow a[C]way with this new [G]sun

And [Am]I'll k[G]neel [C]down
[F]Wait [C]for [G]now
And [Am]I'll k[G]neel [C]down
Know [F]my [C]ground[G]

And [C]I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
And [C]I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]

So break my [C]step
And re[F]lent
You for[C]gave and I won't fo[G]rget
Know what we've [C]seen
And him with [F]less
Now in some [C]way
Shake the ex[G]cess

B[C]ut I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
A[C]nd I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
A[C]nd I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
A[C]nd I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]

S[C]o I'll be bold
As well as s[F]trong
And use my [C]head alongside my hear[G]t
So take my [C]flesh
And fix my [F]eyes
That tethered [C]mind free from the lies[G]

But [Am]I'll kn[G]eel dow[C]n
Wa[F]it f[C]or no[G]w
[Am]I'll k[G]neel d[C]own
Know[F] my [C]groun[G]d

R[Am]aise [G]my h[C]ands
P[F]aint my spir[C]it go[G]ld
And [Am]bow [G]my h[C]ead
K[F]eep my hea[C]rt sl[G]ow

C[C]ause I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
A[C]nd I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
A[C]nd I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G]
A[C]nd I will wait, I will wait for y[Em]ou[G][C]


4.Holland Road (Home)
Chords to:

Capo 5

I [Am]ran aw[G]ay in floods of [C]shame
I'll never t[G]ell how close I[Am] came
As I c[G]ross the Holland r[C]oad
Yo[Am]u went [G]left and I went r[C]ight
As the [G]moon hung proud and [Am]white
You would of [G]loved it here [C]tonight

S[Am]pin me round just to[F] pin me down
On the[C] cover of this strange [G]bed
S[Am]pin me round just to[F] pin me d[C]own

[Am]Roll out your [G]questions keep them [C]down
Let the [G]water lead us [Am]home
And I was [G]sorry for what I'd [C]done

[Am]You were [G]young I was not [C]old
But our [G]story was not t[Am]old
But torn a[G]part by greedy [C]hands

S[Am]pin me round just to[F] pin me down
On the[C] cover of this strange [G]bed
S[Am]pin me round just to[F] pin me d[C]own

S[Am]pin me round just to[F] pin me down
I'll be [C]gone by the nights [G]end
S[Am]pin me round just to[F] pin me d[C]own

But I'll be [G]home in a little [F]while
Lover I'll be [C]home
But I'll be [G]home in a little [F]while
Lover I'll be [C]home

Am G C G Am G C x2

But I'll be [G]home in a little [F]while
Lover I'll be [C]home
But I'll be [G]home in a little [F]while
Lover I'll be [C]home


5.Ghosts that we Knew
Chords to:

Capo 5

You [G]saw my [Em]pain, washed out [C]in the [G]rain
[G]Broken gl[Em]ass, saw the blood run f[C]rom my [G]veins
But you [G]saw no fau[Em]lt no crack in [C]my [G]heart
[G]And you kneel[Em] beside my h[C]ope torn a[G]part

But the [G#m]ghosts that we [Em]knew will [G#m]flicker from [Em]you
And we wil[G]l live a[D] lon[G]g life

So give me [C]hope in the d[G]arkness that I[D] will see the [G]light
Cause o[C]h that [G]gave me such a f[D]right
But [Em]I will [D]hold as l[C]ong as you [G]like
Just [C]promise me [D]we will be alr[Em]ight

So[G] lead me [Em]back, turn [C]south from that [G]place
And close my e[Em]yes from my [C]recent [G]disgrace
Cause you know my c[Em]all
We will[C] share my[G] all
Now children c[Em]ome and they will[C] hear me [G]roar

So give me [C]hope in the d[G]arkness that I[D] will see the [G]light
Cause o[C]h that [G]gave me such a f[D]right
But [Em]I will [D]hold as l[C]ong as you [G]like
Just [C]promise me [D]we will be alr[Em]ight

But [Em]hold me stil[C]l bury my heart on the [G]cold
But [Em]hold me stil[C]l bury my heart on the [G]cold

So give me [C]hope in the d[G]arkness that I[D] will see the [G]light
Cause o[C]h that [G]gave me such a f[D]right
But [Em]I will [D]hold as l[C]ong as you [G]like
Just [C]promise me [D]we will be alr[Em]ight

But the [G#m]ghosts that we [Em]knew will [G#m]flicker from [Em]you
And we wil[G]l live a[D] lon[G]g life


6.Lover of the Light
Chords to:

Capo 2

And in the mi[C]ddle of the night
I may wa[F]tch you [C]go

There'll be no value in the strength
of wall[F]s that [C]I have grown
There'll be no c[F]omfort in the s[G]hade
of the [Am]shado[G]ws th[F]rown
But I'll b[F]e yo[C]urs if you'll [G]be m[C]ine

Stretch out my life
and p[F]ick the seams o[C]ut

Take what you like
but [F]close my e[Em]ars and e[Am]yes
W[F]atch me c[C]rumble [F]ov[C]er and [G]ov[C]er

I have done wrong
so bu[F]ild your t[C]ower

But call me home
and [F]I will b[G]uild a th[Am]rone
And w[F]ash my eyes o[C]ut n[F]ev[C]er a[G]ga[C]in

But love the one you h[F]old
And I'll be your g[G]oal
To have and to ho[Am]ld
A lover of the ligh[C]t

Skin too tight
and e[F]yes like ma[C]rbles

You spin me high
so w[F]atch me a[G]s I gl[Am]ide
B[F]efore I t[C]umble ho[F]mewa[C]rd, ho[G]mewa[C]rd

I know I tried
I [F]was not st[C]able

Flawed by pride
I [F]miss my sa[G]nguine e[Am]yes
So h[F]old my hands [C]up, bre[F]athe [C]in, br[G]eathe [C]out

But love the one you h[F]old
And I'll be your g[G]oal
To have and to ho[Am]ld
A lover of the ligh[C]t

And in the mi[C]ddle of the night
I may wa[F]tch you [C]go

There'll be no value in the strength
of wall[F]s that [C]I have grown
There'll be no c[F]omfort in the s[G]hade
of the [Am]shado[G]ws th[F]rown
You may not t[F]rust the promi[G]ses
of the [Am]change [G]I'll [F]show
But I'll b[F]e yo[C]urs if you'll [G]be m[C]ine

But love the one you h[F]old
And I'll be your g[G]oal
To have and to ho[Am]ld
A lover of the ligh[C]t

But love the one you h[F]old
And I'll be your g[G]oal
To have and to ho[Am]ld
A lover of the ligh[C]t


7.Lovers' Eyes
Chords to:

Capo 2
Love was [C]kind, for a time
Now just [G]aches and it makes me [C]blind

This mirror holds my eyes too bright
I can't [G]see the others in my [C]life

Were we too [C]young? And heads too strong?
To bear the w[G]eight of these lover's e[C]yes.

'Cause I feel numb, beneath your tongue
Neath the [G]curse of these lover's [C]eyes.

But do not a[F]sk the price I p[C]ay,
I must l[G]ive with my quiet r[C]age,
Tame the g[F]hosts in my h[C]ead,
That run [G]wild and wish me [C]dead.
Should you shake my [F]ash to the [C]wind
Lord, fo[G]rget all of my [C]sins
Oh, let me [F]die where I [C]lie
Neath the [G]curse of my lover's e[C]yes.[C][F]

There's no [C]drink nor drug I tried
To rid the [G]curse of these lover's [C]eyes

And I feel numb, beneath your tongue
Your strength just ma[G]kes me feel less s[C]trong

But do not a[F]sk the price I p[C]ay,
I must l[G]ive with my quiet r[C]age,
Tame the g[F]hosts in my h[C]ead,
That run [G]wild and wish me [C]dead.
Should you shake my [F]ash to the [C]wind
Lord, fo[G]rget all of my [C]sins
Oh, let me [F]die where I [C]lie
Neath the [G]curse of my lover's e[C]yes.[F][C]

And I'll walk s[C]low, I'll walk[G] slo[C]w
Take my [Am]hand, help me [F]on my wa[C]y.
And I'll walk s[C]low, I'll walk[G] slo[C]w
Take my [Am]hand, I'll be [F]on my wa[C]y.

And I'll walk s[C]low, I'll walk[G] slo[C]w
Take my [Am]hand, help me [F]on my wa[C]y.
And I'll walk s[C]low, I'll walk[G] slo[C]w
Take my [Am]hand, I'll be [F]on my wa[C]y.




9.Hopeless Wanderer
Chords to:

Capo 3

H[G]ear [Bm]my v[Am]oice, I came [Em]out of the w[D]oods by c[C]hoice
S[G]helter also [Bm]gave their [Am]shade
And in the [Em]dark I h[D]ave no [C]name
So [G]leave that [Bm]click in my [Am]head
And I will [Em]remember the [D]words that you [C]said
L[G]eft a clouded m[Bm]ind and a heavy [Am]heart
But I am [Em]sure we'll [D]see a new [C]start

[Em] [D]So when your [G]hopes on [C]fire
[Em] [D]But you know [G]your desi[C]re
Don't hold a [Em]glass over the [D]flame
Don't let your [G]heart grow c[C]old
I will [Em]call you by [D]name
I will s[G]hare your r[C]oad

I [G]wrestled l[Bm]ong with my [Am]youth
I tried so [Em]hard to [D]live in the [C]truth
Bu[G]t do not t[Bm]ell me what is r[Am]ight
When I lose my [Em]head, I [D]lose my [C]spine

So [G]leave that [Bm]click in my [Am]head
And I will [Em]remember the [D]words that you [C]said
You[G] brought me [Bm]out from the [Am]cold
Now, how I [Em]long, how I l[D]ong to grow [C]old

[Em] [D]So when your [G]hopes on [C]fire
[Em] [D]But you know [G]your desi[C]re
Don't hold a [Em]glass over the [D]flame
Don't let your [G]heart grow c[C]old
I will [Em]call you by [D]name
I will s[G]hare your r[C]oad

[Em]Hold me fast, Hold me fast
Cuz I'm a h[C]opel[G]ess w[D]ande[Em]rer

Hold me fast, Hold me fast
Cuz I'm a h[C]opel[G]ess w[D]ande[Em]rer

I will learn, I will learn
to love the [C]sky [G]I [D]wand[Em]er

I will learn, I will learn
to love the [C]sky [G]I [D]wand[Em]er
The [C]sky [G]I [D]wand[Em]er


10.Broken Crown (Not finished yet but here is lyrics + chorus and bridge chords)
Capo 5

Touch my mouth and hold my tongue

I'll never be your chosen one

I'll be home safe and tucked away

Well you can't tempt me

If I don't see the day

The pull on my flesh was just too strong

Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs

Better not to breath to breath a lie

Cause when I open my body I breath a lie

I will not speak of your sin

There was a way out for him

The mirror shows not

Your values are all short

But [Am]oh [G]my h[Am]eart w[G]as f[Am]lawed I k[C]new my wea[F]kness
So [Am]hold [G]my h[Am]and c[G]onsign [Am]me not [C]to darkn[F]ess

[Am]Crawl on my b[Em]elly until the [Am]sun goes down
[Am]I'll never w[Em]ear your broken [Am]crown
I took the [F]rope and threw it all aw[Am]ay
This [F]twilight how dare you speak of gra[Am]ce

[Am]Crawl on my b[Em]elly until the [Am]sun goes down
[Am]I'll never w[Em]ear your broken [Am]crown
I took the [F]rope and threw it all aw[Am]ay
This twilig[F]ht how dare you speak of[Am] grace

[Am]Crawl on my b[Em]elly until the [Am]sun goes down
[Am]I'll never w[Em]ear your broken [Am]crown
I took the [F]rope and threw it all aw[Am]ay
In his twil[F]ight are choices seal ou[Am]r fate


11.Below my Feet
Chords to:

Capo 4

You were [G]cold as the [C]blood through your [G]bones
And the [C]light which led us [G]from our chosen [Em]homes
Oh,[C] I was l[G]ost.

So now I sleep
Sleep the [C]hours that I don't w[G]eep
And a[C]ll I knew was s[G]teeped in blackened [Em]holes
Oh[C], I was [G]lost

[Em]Keep the e[C]arth be[G]low my f[D]eet
[Em]For all my [C]sweat, my [G]blood runs [D]weak
[Em]Let me l[C]earn from where [G]I have [D]been
Keep my [C]eyes to s[G]erve
My h[C]ands to le[G]arn

Well I was s[G]till
But I was u[C]nder your sp[G]ell
But [C]I was told by J[G]esus
All was [Em]well
So [C]all must be [G]well
Just give me [G]time
You know [C]your desires and [G]mine
So [C]wrap my flesh in [G]ivy and in t[Em]wine
For [C]I must be w[G]ell

Keep the earth below my feet
[Em]For all my [C]sweat, my [G]blood runs [D]weak
[Em]Let me l[C]earn from where [G]I have [D]been
Keep my [C]eyes to s[G]erve
My h[C]ands to le[G]arn
[D]Keep my [C]eyes to [G]serve
my h[C]ands to l[G]earn

[Em]Keep the e[C]arth be[G]low my f[D]eet
[Em]For all my [C]sweat, my [G]blood runs [D]weak
[Em]Let me l[C]earn from where [G]I have [D]been
Keep my [C]eyes to s[G]erve
My h[C]ands to le[G]arn
[D]Keep my [C]eyes to s[G]erve
my h[C]ands to le[G]arn


12.Not with Haste


13.For those Below


14.The Boxer
Chords to:

Capo 5

[G]I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom [Em]told
I have [D]squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles such are [G]promises
All lies and [Em]jests
Still a [D]man hears what he [C]wants to hear
And disregards the [G]res[D]t[G]

When I [G]left my home and my family
I was no more than a [Em]boy
In the [D]company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station [G]running scared
Laying [Em]low, seeking [D]out the poorer q[C]uarters
Where the ragged people [G]go
Looking f[D]or the places [C]only [D]they would [G]know

Lie-la-[Bm]lie la lie-la-lie
Lie la [Em]lie
Lie-la-[D]lie la la la la lie la la la la [G]lie

Asking o[G]nly workman's wages
I come looking for a [Em]job
But I [D]get no offers,
Just a come-on from the whores on S[G]eventh Avenue
I do [Em]declare, there were [D]times when I was so [C]lonesome
I took some comfort t[G]here

Then I'm l[G]aying out my winter clothes
And wishing I was [Em]gone
Going [D]home
Where the New York City winters aren't bl[G]eeding me
[Em]Bleeding me, going[D] home

Lie la lie ...

In the c[G]learing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his [Em]trade
And he [D]carries the reminders

Of ev'ry glove that layed him down
Or [G]cut him till he cried out
In his [Em]anger and his shame
"I am [D]leaving, I am l[C]eaving"
But the [G]fighter still remains

Lie-la-[Bm]lie la lie-la-lie
Lie la [Em]lie
Lie-la-[D]lie la la la la lie la la la la [G]lie


15.Where are You Now?
Chords to:

Capo 4

It [F]came to the [C]end it [Am]seems you had [C]heard
Cause we [F]walked the city [C]streets,
You [Am]never said a [C]word

When we [F]finally sat [C]down,
Your [Am]eyes were full of [C]spite
I was [F]desperate, I was [C]weak,
I could [Am]not put up a [C]fight

[F]Where are you [C]now?
[Am]Where are you [C]now?
Do you [F]ever think of [C]me
In the [Am]quiet, in the [C]crowd?

You were [F]strangely less than [C]pain
[Am]Than you were [C]cold
Triump[F]hant in your [C]mind
Of the [Am]logic that you h[C]old.

You said [F]no one would ever [C]know
The [Am]love that we had [C]shared
As I t[F]ook my leave to [C]go
It was [Am]clear that you didn't [C]care.

[F]Where are you [C]now?
[Am]Where are you [C]now?
Do you [F]ever think of [C]me
In the [Am]quiet, in the [C]crowd?

[F]Where are you [C]now?
[Am]Where are you [C]now?
Do you [F]ever think of [C]me
In the [Am]quiet, in the [C]crowd?

And I [F]hear of your c[C]oming
and your [Am]going in the t[C]own.
I hear [F]stories of your s[C]mile,
I hear [Am]stories of your [C]frown.

You said[F] no one would ever[C] know
The [Am]love that we had [C]shared
As I t[F]ook my leave to [C]go
It was [Am]clear that you didn't [C]care.

[F]Where are you [C]now?
[Am]Where are you [C]now?
Do you [F]ever think of [C]me
In the [Am]quiet, in the [C]crowd?

[F]Where are you [C]now?
[Am]Where are you [C]now?
Do you [F]ever think of [C]me
In the [Am]quiet, in the [C]crowd?

[F]Where are you [C]now?
[Am]Where are you [C]now?
Do you [F]ever think of [C]me
In the [Am]quiet, in the [C]crowd?

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G#m1fr2fr3fr4frx21144
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Chord: Babel - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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