By Flogging Molly
From the album Drunken Lullabies
Tabbed by Eric Bonkowski
chorus riff
[D] [G]
[D] [C] [D]
T[D]?was in the early evenin?
Near the presence of the moon
You told me you would meet me here
Well now is not too soon
Th[G]is dagger twisting in my back
Tells [D]me I never should
Have t[G]rusted everything to fall
From b[F]eggar to the f[A]ool
I [D]see your face like every race
A serpent with two arms
Devouring me while rains the sun
With dreams in foreign lands
This [G]cold and dark tormented hell
Is a[D]ll I?ll ever know
So w[G]hen you get to heaven
May the d[F]evil be the j[A]udge
(with chorus riff)
With another bag of bricks
[D]I scratch your name across these walls
And with my blood turns red
Then drips upon my killing floor
Where now I call my bed
No pr[G]ecious light to harbor
Like so[D] many here before
And e[G]very drop of life you shed
Now b[F]reathes a thousand m[A]ore
(with chorus riff)
With another bag of bricks
T[A]emper filled with blindness
Leads this lost and lonely man
Dragged around your whipping tree
A scourge you can?t command
So[D] deafen me with silence
Drown me with your roar
Scowl me with your hollow eyes
Still burnin? to the core
No d[G]oor will go unanswered
Like so [D]many closed before
No v[G]agabond to knock upon
This [D]tired and beatin? war
When a[G]ll return to exile
F[D]ree from all once bound
De[G]cline and brawl old parasites
The t[F]ruth will yet be f[A]ound
(with chorus riff)
With another bag of bricks
instrumental interlude:
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
Then D over the accordion solo
This cold and dark tormented hell
Is all I?ll ever know
So when you get to heaven
May the devil be the judge
[A]Temper filled with blindness
Leads this lost and lonely man
Dragged around your whipping tree
A scourge you can?t command
So[D] deafen me with silence
Drown me with your roar
Scowl me with your hollow eyes
Still burnin? to the core
No d[G]oor will go unanswered
Like so [D]many closed before
No v[G]agabond to knock upon
This [D]tired and beatin? war
When a[G]ll return to exile
F[D]ree from all once bound
De[G]cline and brawl old parasites
The t[F]ruth will yet be f[A]ound
(with chorus riff x3)
With another bag of bricks
instrumental outro:
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
The F to A move at the end of each verse sounds
much better when A is played barred, rather than
in the open position. Also the reoccurring D may
sound better as a D5, though it is definitely not
a Dm.
and sometimes at the end of certain verse lines,
the violin/accordion slide this little bit in:
And for any mandolin or violin players,
those few riffs look like this:
Have fun. Email questions/corrections to
From the album Drunken Lullabies
Tabbed by Eric Bonkowski
chorus riff
[D] [G]
[D] [C] [D]
T[D]?was in the early evenin?
Near the presence of the moon
You told me you would meet me here
Well now is not too soon
Th[G]is dagger twisting in my back
Tells [D]me I never should
Have t[G]rusted everything to fall
From b[F]eggar to the f[A]ool
I [D]see your face like every race
A serpent with two arms
Devouring me while rains the sun
With dreams in foreign lands
This [G]cold and dark tormented hell
Is a[D]ll I?ll ever know
So w[G]hen you get to heaven
May the d[F]evil be the j[A]udge
(with chorus riff)
With another bag of bricks
[D]I scratch your name across these walls
And with my blood turns red
Then drips upon my killing floor
Where now I call my bed
No pr[G]ecious light to harbor
Like so[D] many here before
And e[G]very drop of life you shed
Now b[F]reathes a thousand m[A]ore
(with chorus riff)
With another bag of bricks
T[A]emper filled with blindness
Leads this lost and lonely man
Dragged around your whipping tree
A scourge you can?t command
So[D] deafen me with silence
Drown me with your roar
Scowl me with your hollow eyes
Still burnin? to the core
No d[G]oor will go unanswered
Like so [D]many closed before
No v[G]agabond to knock upon
This [D]tired and beatin? war
When a[G]ll return to exile
F[D]ree from all once bound
De[G]cline and brawl old parasites
The t[F]ruth will yet be f[A]ound
(with chorus riff)
With another bag of bricks
instrumental interlude:
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
Then D over the accordion solo
This cold and dark tormented hell
Is all I?ll ever know
So when you get to heaven
May the devil be the judge
[A]Temper filled with blindness
Leads this lost and lonely man
Dragged around your whipping tree
A scourge you can?t command
So[D] deafen me with silence
Drown me with your roar
Scowl me with your hollow eyes
Still burnin? to the core
No d[G]oor will go unanswered
Like so [D]many closed before
No v[G]agabond to knock upon
This [D]tired and beatin? war
When a[G]ll return to exile
F[D]ree from all once bound
De[G]cline and brawl old parasites
The t[F]ruth will yet be f[A]ound
(with chorus riff x3)
With another bag of bricks
instrumental outro:
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
D D D D | D D D D | D D D G G
The F to A move at the end of each verse sounds
much better when A is played barred, rather than
in the open position. Also the reoccurring D may
sound better as a D5, though it is definitely not
a Dm.
and sometimes at the end of certain verse lines,
the violin/accordion slide this little bit in:
And for any mandolin or violin players,
those few riffs look like this:
Have fun. Email questions/corrections to