Albums list of artist: Nu Pagadi

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Nu Pagadi

Nu Pagadi
a few seconds ago0 Views 148164 songs1 albums

Nu Pagadi was a German pop band, formed in December 2004 on the fourth season of international reality television program Popstars. Originally a quartet, from May 2005 a trio, the group described their own musical style as "glam rock". In September 2005, only ten months after the band’s formation, the members announced their official split due to musical differences. In May 2005, the band changed from being a quartet to being a trio when Doreen Steinert left.The band’s name refers to a Russian (Soviet) cartoon-series of the 1970s and 1980s called "Nu, pogodi!" which means "Just you wait!"

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Your Dark Side (2005)
5 years ago0 Views1 songs