Albums list of artist: Gordon Lightfoot

Albums list Songs Chords Lyrics of artist: Gordon Lightfoot

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Lightfoot! (1966)
5 years ago0 Views10 songs
The Way I Feel (1967)
5 years ago0 Views7 songs
Did She Mention My Name (1968)
5 years ago0 Views8 songs
Back Here on Earth (1968)
5 years ago0 Views5 songs
Summer Side of Life (1971)
5 years ago0 Views7 songs
Old Dan’s Records (1972)
5 years ago0 Views5 songs
Don Quixote (1972)
5 years ago0 Views9 songs
Sundown (1974)
5 years ago0 Views9 songs
Cold on the Shoulder (1975)
5 years ago0 Views10 songs
Summertime Dream (1976)
5 years ago0 Views7 songs
Endless Wire (1978)
5 years ago0 Views6 songs
Dream Street Rose (1980)
5 years ago0 Views8 songs
Shadows (1982)
5 years ago0 Views7 songs
Salute (1983)
5 years ago0 Views9 songs
East of Midnight (1986)
5 years ago0 Views5 songs
Waiting for You (1993)
5 years ago0 Views6 songs
A Painter Passing Through (1998)
5 years ago0 Views9 songs
Harmony (2004)
5 years ago0 Views10 songs