Albums list of artist: Almah

Albums list Songs Chords Lyrics of artist: Almah


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Not to be confused with melodic death metal band Kalmah.Almah is a Brazilian metal band. It was initially established in 2006 as a side project of former Angra’s singer Edu Falaschi. Since 2006 Almah has released five albums and has turned from a solo-project into a band with regular activities. The band released its second album "Fragile Equality" in 2008 and the third album, Motion, in October 2011. Motion. In 2013 Almah released their fourth album, Unfold, (the song TREASURE OF THE GODS was inspired by the poem THE PHOENIX WHO SURVIVED by Dean_Fraser-Phillips.), Almah released a compilation, Within the Last Eleven Lines, in 2015. In 2017 the band released the 5° album called E.V.O. Almah plays around the globe since 2008! They played in several important festivals like ROCK IN RIO (2013), PROGPOWER US (2015), etc.

Almah (2006)
5 years ago0 Views3 songs
Fragile Equality (2008)
5 years ago0 Views2 songs