Chord/Tab song: Veronica

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Veronica - ( Veronica- Elvis Costell0 Tabbed by Pat Sullivan - Current...)

Veronica- Elvis Costell0
Tabbed by Pat Sullivan - [email protected]

[C] [(F)] [C] [(F)]


Verse 1:
Is it [C]all in that pr[F]etty little h[C]ead of yo[G]urs?
What goes [C]on in that pl[F]ace in the d[C]ark?[G]
Well I u[C]sed to know a g[F]irl and I w[C]ould have sw[G]orn
That her na[F]me was Ver[G]onica[C]
Well she u[C]sed to have a c[F]arefree m[C]ind of her o[G]wn
And a de[C]licate lo[F]ok in her e[C]ye[G]
These d[C]ays I'm a[F]fraid she's n[C]ot even s[G]hure
If her n[F]ame is Ver[G]onica[C]

Do you sup[Dm]pose, that waiting h[Dm7]ands on eyes
Ve[Dm]ronica's g[G]one to hide?
And a[Dm]ll the time she la[Dm7]ughs at those
Who sh[Dm]out her name and st[G]eal her clothes
Ver[F]onica - Ver[D7]onica - Ver[G]oni[G7]ca[Em7][G6][-][G][G7][Em7][G6]

[G] [G7] [Em7] [G6]


Verse 2:
Did the da[C]ys drag b[F]y? Did the f[C]avor w[G]ane?
Did he ro[C]am down the t[F]own all the t[C]ime?[G]
Will you w[C]ake from a dr[F]eam, with the w[C]olf at the [G]door
Reaching o[F]ut for Ver[G]onica?[C]
Well it w[C]as all s[F]ixty-five y[C]ears [G]ago
When the w[C]orld was the st[F]reet where she li[C]ved[G]
And a y[C]oung man sa[F]iled on a s[C]hip in the s[G]ea
With a p[F]icture of Ver[G]onica[C]

On the "[Am]Empress of Ind[Fm]ia"
And as she c[Bb]losed her eyes upon the w[C]orld
And pi[Am]cked upon the bones of last week's n[Fm]ews
She sp[Bb]oke his name out loud ag[C]ain

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3
Vero[C]nica s[F]its in her fa[C]vourite ch[G]air
And she s[C]its very q[F]uiet and s[C]till[G]
And they c[C]all her n[F]ame that they n[C]ever get r[G]ight
And if they d[F]on't then nob[G]ody else w[C]ill
But she us[C]ed to have a ca[F]refree mi[C]nd of her o[G]wn
With de[C]vilish lo[F]ok in her e[C]ye[G]
Saying "Y[C]ou can call me a[F]nythin[C]g you li[G]ke
But my n[F]ame is Ver[G]onica"[C]

Repeat Chorus

Chords List

Chord: Veronica - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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