Hợp âm - tab: Tunnel of Love - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Tunnel of Love - ( Tunnel of Love - Bruce Springsteen | C G | Bb F | C G | ...)

Tunnel of Love - Bruce Springsteen

| C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F |

[C]Fat man[G] sitting on a[Bb] little [F]stool
Takes the [C]money from m[G]y hand while his eye[Bb]s take a walk a[F]ll over you
[C]Hands me[G] two ticket smiles and[Bb] whispers g[F]ood luck
[Bb]Cuddle up a[F]ngel cuddle up[Bb] my little [C]dove
Bb F C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F
We'll ride down baby into this tunnel of love

We[C]ll I can feel th[G]e soft silk [Bb]of your b[F]louse
And them[C] soft thril[G]ls in our [Bb]little fun [F]house
[C]Then the lights go[G] out and it's just the[Bb] three of [F]us
[Bb]You me and a[F]ll that stuff we'r[Bb]e so scared o[C]f
Bb F C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F
Gotta ride down baby into this tunnel of love

There's a[Bb] crazy mirror showing us both[F] in 5-D
I'm l[G]aughing at you you're l[F]aughing at me
There's a [Bb]room of shadows that [F]get so dark brothers
Am G C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F |
It's easy for two people to lose each other in this tunnel of love

| C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F |
| C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F |
| C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F |

| F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F |

[C]It ought to be ea[G]sy ought to be[Bb] simple enou[F]gh
[C]Man meets woma[G]n and they fa[Bb]ll in lo[F]ve
But the h[C]ouse is haunt[G]ed and the r[Bb]ide gets ro[F]ugh
And you've got to l[Bb]earn to li[F]ve with what you [Bb]can't rise abo[C]ve
Bb F C G | Bb
If you want to ride on down in through this tunnel of love
F C G | Bb
Tunnel of love
F C G | Bb F |
Tunnel of love

| Bb F | F C | Bb | F C | Bb F | F C | Bb | F C | Bb F | F C | Bb | F C |

| C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | C G | Bb F | fade out

[C] [G] [Bb] [F] [Am]


Danh sách hợp âm
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Hợp âm: Tunnel of Love - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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