Hợp âm - tab: The Last Ship - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: The Last Ship - ( Intro: Em7 [Em7]It's all there in the go[Bm7]spels, the ...)

Intro: Em7

[Em7]It's all there in the go[Bm7]spels, the Mag[Am7]dalene g[Bm7]irl
Comes to p[Am7]ay her res[Bm7]pects, but her m[C]ind is aw[D]hirl
When she [Em7]finds the tomb e[Bm7]mpty, the st[Am7]one had been ro[Bm7]lled,
Not a s[Am7]ign of a c[Bm7]orpse in the d[C]ark and the co[D]ld.

When she reach[C]es the door, sees an unholy sight,
There's this solita[D]ry figure in a [B7]halo of light
He just c[Em]arries on floating past C[C]alvary Hill,
In an almigh[D]ty hurry, aye but she mi[B7]ght catch him still.

"Tell me wh[Am7]ere are ye going Lord, and [D]why in such haste?"
"Now don't hin[B7]der me woman, I've no ti[Em]me to waste!'
For they're[Am7] launching a boat on the mo[D]rrow at noon,
And I h[B7]ave to be there before d[Em]aybreak.

Oh I can[C]na be missing, the la[A]ds'll expect me,
Why els[D]e would the good Lord himself [B7]resurrect me?
For no[Em]thing will stop me, I ha[C]ve to prevail,
Throu[D]gh the teeth of this tempest, in the mou[B7]th of a gale.

May the an[C]gels protect me, i[Am7]f all else should fai[D]l,
When the la[C]st s[Bm7]hip sa[Em]ils.[D]

Oh the ro[C]ar of the cha[Am]ins and the cr[D]acking of timbers,
The n[Am]oise at the [Bm7]end of the wor[C]ld in your e[D]ars,
As a moun[C]tain of steel mak[Am7]es its way to the [D]sea,
And the l[C]ast [Bm7]ship s[Em]ails.

[C] [A/C#] [Bb/D] [C#] [Ab/C]
[Fm7]It's a strange kind of b[Cm7]eauty,
[Bbm7]It's cold and austere[Cm7],
And what[Bbm7]ever it [Cm7]was that ye've d[Db]one to be h[Eb]ere,
It's the s[Fm]um of yr [Cm7]hopes yr de[Bbm7]spairs and yr f[Cm7]ears,
When the [Db]last s[Cm7]hip s[Fm7]ails.[Eb]

[Db]Well the first to arrive saw these s[Bb]igns in the east,
[B]Like that strange moving fi[Bm]nger at Balthazar's [C#m7]Feast,

Where they a[F#]sked the [C#m7]advice of some wande[Bm7]ring pri[C#m7]est,
And the s[Bm7]ad ghosts of[C#m7] men whom they'd tho[D]ught long dec[E]eased,
And whate[F#m7]ver got [C#m7]said, they'd be c[Bm7]ounted at le[C#m7]ast,
When the l[D]ast [C#m7]ship s[F#m]ails.[E]

Oh the ro[D]ar of the chains and the c[Bm7]racking of tim[C#m7]bers,
[Bm7]The noise at the[C#m7] end of the wo[D]rld in your ears[E],
As a moun[D]tain of steel makes its [Bm7]way to the [C#m7]sea,
And the la[D]st [C#m7]ship s[F#m]ails.[E]

And whate[D]ver you'd promised, w[Bm]hatever you've [C#m7]done,
And wh[Bm7]atever the st[C#m7]ation in li[D]fe you've be[E]come
In the n[D]ame of the Father, in[Bm] the name of the [E]Son,
And what[D]ever the wea[E]ve of this [Bm7]life that you've[C#m7] spun,
[Bm7]On the Earth or in Heaven or u[A]nder the S[E]un,
When the l[D]ast [C#m7]ship s[F#m]ails.

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: The Last Ship - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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