Chord/Tab song: The Banks of the Leopold Canal

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Banks of the Leopold Canal - ( Capo: Fret 4 [C]Time is a [Am]ticking my love [F]Can no ...)

Capo: Fret 4

[C]Time is a [Am]ticking my love
[F]Can no longer [C]stay
Sounds of [Am]the alarms
And [F]I must go [G]away
[F]Ordered out [C]over seas
[Am]For many a weary day
To the [F]banks, of a [C]place they call [F]Leopold [C]Canl

Oh,[C] Willie, Swee[Am]t Willie
[F]Don't leave me here [C]alone
For I wish[Am] to God above,
That[F] I was never b[G]orn
[F]Parting from[C] you my love
[C]I'd rather be buried [Am]alive
So stay[F] home with m[C]e Sweet Willie a[F]nd I'll be your loving [C]wife

[C]Oh Annie, [Am]Sweet Annie
[F]Surely can not[C] stay
The govern[Am]ment has ordered me
And [F]I must go [G]away
[F]The governmen[C]t has ordered me
[C]Set up their c[Am]ommand
And [F]I'm bound aw[C]ay my love for the [F]Leopold Can[C]l

C[C]ruel wa[Am]s the war
[F]When it first [C]began
Out of [Am]Canada
We l[F]ost many m[G]en
[F]Out of Cana[C]da
[C]Men were battered and [Am]torn.
Th[F]ousands lay [C]dead on Leopold[F]'s shore[C].

[C]Sitting in[Am] the trenches
[F]Couldn't help [C]but curse
This cruel[Am] bloody war
Had [F]taken me from[G] her
[F]Taken me from [C]my sweet heart
[C]And the place where I loved to[Am] dwell
And [F]shipped me off[C] to the bloody banks, [F]of the Leopold C[C]anl

[C]Time is a [Am]ticking my love
[F]Can no longer [C]stay
Sounds of [Am]the alarms
And [F]i must go aw[G]ay
[F]Ordered out[C] over seas
[Am]For many a weary day

To the [F]banks, of a [C]place they call [F]Leopold Ca[C]nl
To the [F]banks, of a [C]place they call [F]Leopold Ca[C]nl
To the [F]banks, of a [C]place they call [F]Leopold Ca[C]nl

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: The Banks of the Leopold Canal - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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