This is the first song I've completely tabbed out, it's pretty
accurate though, so have fun with it and God bless!
No lyrics, SORRY!
Tabbed by: Josh Williams ( [email protected] )
Dropped "D" Tuning: EBGDAD
Intro 1:
D -12-12--12-12--12-12--12-12-12-10
A -12-12--12-12--12-12--12-12-12-10 3x
D -12-12--12-12--12-12--12-12-12-10
Intro 2:
D -12-12--12-12--12-12-------------
A -12-12--12-12--12-12------------- 1x
D -12-12--12-12--12-12-------------
Play intro 1 3x followed by intro 2 1x again
G -----7~~-------7~~------7~~--------13
D ------------------------------------- Play this 4x
A ------------------------------------- Bass plays 0's
D -0-0-------0-0------0-0------0-0-0---
Bass solo:
A -------------5-----------------------
D -0-3-5-6-5-3--------0-3-5-6-3-0------ 2x
Pre-Chorus ( very short! ):
[D] [-3333--3333--33]
[A] [-3333--3333--33]
[D] [-3333--3333--33]
This might be a tad bit wrong, maybe not though.
A -------------5-----------------------
D -0-3-5-6-5-3--------0-3-5-6-3-0------ 4x
Bass Solo
Intro 1 \
> - Intro 1 is played 7x and Intro 2 is played 1x!
Intro 2 /
End Part 1 ( these strumming patterns are probably not right, but oh
G -14-141414-14-14-14-1414-14-14-14/12-121212-12-12-12-1212-12-12-12/17
D -xx-xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx
A -12-121212-12-12-12-1212-12-12-12/10-101010-10-10-10-1010-10-10-10/15
D -xx-xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx
G -171717-17-17-17-1717-17-17-17/15-1515-15-15-15-151515-15-15-15/14-14
D -xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xx
A -151515-15-15-15-1515-15-15-15/13-1313-13-13-13-131313-13-13-13/12-12
D -xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xx
G -1414-14-14-14/12-12-1212-12-12-12-12-14-141414-1414-14/12-121212-12-
D -xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xx/xx-xxxxxx-xx-
A -1212-12-12-12/10-10-1010-10-10-10-10-12-121212-1212-12/10-101010-10-
D -xxxx-xx-xx-xx/xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xx/xx-xxxxxx-xx-
G -12-1212-12-12/10-10-10-10-10-10-10/9-999-99-9-9/7-777-77-7-7
D -xx-xxxx-xx-xx/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/x-xxx-xx-x-x/x-xxx-xx-x-x
A -10-1010-10-10/8--8--8--8--8--8--8/7--777-77-7-7/5-555-55-5-5
D -xx-xxxx-xx-xx/xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx/x-xxx-xx-x-x/x-xxx-xx-x-x
End part 2 ( probably not right! If it isn't someone correct it!
Thanks! ):
E -10~------8--10~------8--10~------8--10~--------8-
B --------------------------------------------------
During End part 2 you can also play Intro 1 ( I think! ) however many
times it might be played
Intro 1 ( 3x )
D -12-12--12-12--0-0-------
A -12-12--12-12--0-0-------
D -12-12--12-12--0-0-------
After you palm mute that last chord, take your palm off the strings
smoothly after plucking it ( it sounds cool! ).
- palm mute
~ - vibrato
x - You should know this one!
/ or \ - slide
Email: [email protected]
for corrections. Thanks! Bye! God Bless ya!