Chord/Tab song: Roses

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Roses - ( The Rocket Summer - Roses Capo 1: Key C# (so if you want ...)

The Rocket Summer - Roses
Capo 1: Key C# (so if you want to play it in the original key w/o a capo, for
piano or something, just transpose it up a half step. It's just obviously easier
to play in C instead of C# on guitar)

can you see the a[Am]ir change
can you see when a h[C]eart breaks
I know that both do ha[F]ppen
but all I want is [C]faith
cause I can f[Am]eel this so much so I be[C]lieve it
but still there is a st[F]ruggle
and all I want is f[C]aith

and I be[G]lieve I?ll move the mou[Am]ntains
I th[F]ink or maybe [G]I?ll drown in the sea

keep ho[C]lding on
all I got is ho[F]lding on these ro[G]ses
[Am]thorns will ke[C]ep on digging
[F]but my soul bel[G]ieves please

so here I br[Am]eathe in ox[C]ygen I c[F]an?t see
the ox[C]ygen that k[Am]eeps me al[C]ive and wary. Oh ye[F]s, I do perc[G]eive
[Am]that like the [C]birds find provision and sanc[F]tuary
you do this even m[Am]ore so for me
but all I want is f[C]aith

and I be[G]lieve I?ll move the mou[Am]ntains
I t[F]hink or maybe I[G]?ll drown in the sea


pl[F]aces seasons mil[Am]lions of pieces toge[C]ther and all a[G]lone
lea[F]ding repeating liv[Am]ing and bleeding l[C]ost in the cohe[G]sion
stagnant or will I ru[C]n
give up or will I r[G]un
into arms that are op[Am]en

get [F]rid of all the fear
I know that you a[G]re here

I see [C]
And it?s re[F]minding me
that the th[Am]orns you wear
is l[C]ove that we must share

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: Roses - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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