Chord/Tab song: Real Good for Free

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Real Good for Free - ( # # #----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE-----...)


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##This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
##song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #


#From uunet!!wupost!!hpscdc!hplextra!hpcc05!hpcc01!bearce Fri Jul 24
#PDT 1992
#Article: 1073 of
#From: (Phil Bearce)
#Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1992 14:27:24 GMT
#Subject: MUSIC: Real Good For Free - Joni Mitchell
#Organization: the HP Corporate notes server
#Lines: 71
#>From Fri Jul 24 07:24 PDT 1992
# This is normally a piano song, at least it was when Joni originally
# did it on an early album. But this is from a David Crosby version
# from the "Alies" album. Typed from memory. Mea culpa if there's any
# errors. Phil-
# Real Good For Free
# Joni Mitchell
# intro: C G D G C D
[G]I slept last [Fmaj7]night in a g[Em]ood hotel
I went [Am]shopping to[C]day for [F]jewel[C]s
[G]The wind rushed a[Fmaj7]round in the [Em]dirty town
And the [Am]children let o[C]ut from the [F]schoo[C]ls
I was [Am]standing on a noisy [G]corner
[C]Waiting for the [G]walking [F]gr[C]ee[D]n
[G]Across the street he [Fmaj7]stood, and he [Em]played real good
On his [Am]clarin[C]et for [F]fr[C]ee

[G]Now me, I [Fmaj7]play for f[Em]ortunes
And the [Am]velvet [C]curtain c[F]al[C]ls
I got a [G]black limos[Fmaj7]ine and a few g[Em]entlemen
Es[Am]corting me [C]to these h[F]all[C]s
And I'll [Am]play if you have the [G]money
Or [C]if you're a [G]friend to m[F]e [C] [D]
[G]But the one-man-[Fmaj7]band by the q[Em]uick lunch stand
He was [Am]playing real [C]good for [F]fre[C]e [Em] [D]

[G]Nobody s[Fmaj7]topped to h[Em]ear him
Though he [Am]played so [C]sweet and [F]hig[C]h
They [G]knew he had [Fmaj7]never been o[Em]n their TV
So they [Am]passed his good [C]music [F]by [C]
I [Am]meant to go over and [G]ask for a song
Maybe [C]put on a [G]harmon[F]y [C] [D]
[G]I heard his [Fmaj7]refrain as that s[Em]ignal changed
He wa[Am]s still [C]playing real good for [F]fre[C]e [Em] [D]

___ | Phil Bearce at Hewlett Packard San Jose - Components
(/__) /_ . /) | internet:
/ / )_(__(_ -- | "Look out for that root." -James Taylor

Chords List

Chord: Real Good for Free - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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