Hợp âm - tab: Plaisir d'Amour - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Plaisir d'Amour - ( I'm not entirely sure what the strumming pattern is, but ...)

I'm not entirely sure what the strumming pattern is, but these are at least the cords.

No capo.

Pla[A]isir[E7] d'a[A]mour ne[D] dure [A]qu'un mome[E]nt[-],[E7]
Cha[D]grin [E7]d'am[A]our [D]dure [A]toute [E7]la v[A]ie.

The [A]joys [E7]of [A]love are [D]but a m[A]oment l[E]on[-]g,[E7]
The [D]pain [E7]of [A]love en[D]dures the w[A]hole [E7]life [A]long.

Your [A]eyes [E7]kissed [A]mine, I [D]saw the [A]love in them [E]sh[-]in[E7]e.
You [D]brought [E7]me [A]heaven right [D]then when your [A]eyes [E7]kissed [A]mine.

My [A]love [E7]loves [A]me, and [D]all the [A]wonders I [E]se[-]e,[E7]
A [D]rain[E7]bow [A]shines in my [D]window, my [A]love [E7]loves [A]me.

And [A]now [E7]he's [A]gone, like a [D]dream that [A]fades into [E]da[-]wn[E7],
But the [D]words [E7]stay [A]locked in my [D]heartstrings, "My [A]love [E7]loves [A]me."

Alternative Lyrics (French)

Pla[A]isir[E7] d'a[A]mour ne[D] dure [A]qu'un mome[E]nt[-].[E7]
cha[D]grin [E7]d'am[A]our [D]dure [A]toute [E7]la v[A]ie.

J'a[A]i tou[E7]t q[A]uitt pou[D]r l'ing[A]rate Sy[E]lv[-]ie[E7].
Ell[D]e me [E7]qui[A]tte et [D]prend un au[A]tre a[E7]mant.[A]

Pla[A]isir [E7]d'a[A]mour ne d[D]ure qu'[A]un mome[E]nt[-].[E7]
cha[D]grin [E7]d'am[A]our [D]dure [A]toute [E7]la v[A]ie.

Tan[A]t que[E7] cette[A] eau cou[D]lera dou[A]cement[E][-][E7]
ver[D]s ce [E7]ruis[A]seau[D] qui [A]borde [E7]la p[A]rairie,

Je [A]t'aim[E7]erai m[A]e rpta[D]it Sylvi[A]e.[E][-][E7]
L'e[D]au co[E7]ule [A]enco[D]re. E[A]lle a [E7]chan[A]g pourtant.

Pla[A]isir [E7]d'amou[A]r ne dur[D]e qu'un [A]moment.[E][-][E7]
cha[D]grin [E7]d'am[A]our [D]dure [A]toute [E7]la v[A]ie.


The[A] ple[E7]asur[A]e of lo[D]ve las[A]ts only a [E]mo[-]me[E7]nt
The[D] grie[E7]f of[A] lov[D]e las[A]ts a l[E7]ifet[A]ime.

I g[A]ave u[E7]p e[A]verything[D] for un[A]gratefu[E]l [-]Sy[E7]lvia,
She[D] is l[E7]eav[A]ing me [D]for another[A] love[E7]r.[A]

The[A] plea[E7]sur[A]e of love[D] lasts [A]only a [E]mo[-]me[E7]nt,
The[D] grie[E7]f of[A] lov[D]e las[A]ts a l[E7]ifet[A]ime.

"As[A] long[E7] as th[A]is water[D] will ru[A]n gently[E][-][E7]
Tow[D]ards [E7]this[A] bro[D]ok wh[A]ich bo[E7]rder[A]s the meadow,

I w[A]ill l[E7]ove yo[A]u", Sylv[D]ia told [A]me repeate[E]dl[-]y.[E7]
The[D] wate[E7]r st[A]ill [D]runs,[A] but s[E7]he h[A]as changed.

The[A] plea[E7]sure o[A]f love l[D]asts onl[A]y a moment[E],[-][E7]
The[D] grie[E7]f of[A] lov[D]e las[A]ts a l[E7]ifet[A]ime.

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Plaisir d'Amour - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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