Chord/Tab song: Nothin' Good About Goodbye

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Nothin' Good About Goodbye - ( This sounds ok [G]I rolled up my slee[C]ves today [F]Ca...)

This sounds ok

[G]I rolled up my slee[C]ves today

[F]Cause I thought that this was ove[D]r

[G]But then you ca[C]lled to say

[F]You forgot that broach of your mot[D]hers

[G]And evertime I try to cut the c[C]hord

[F]You come crawlin back with some e[D]xcuse

[G]You forgot something
Theres no[G]thin' good about goodbye

I could swear I saw you cr[C]y

I Always knew you'd wind[F] up

Fallin' Fallin' Ha[D]rder
Theres nothin' good about Goo[G]db[F]ye[D]

Just Say Good[G]by[F]e [D]

Rolled [G]up my sleeves t[C]oday

Cause I t[F]hought that this had end[D]ed

[G]But then you cal[C]led again

To tell me how you[F]'re gonna blow my best friend [D]

[G]And evertime I try to [C]cut the chord

[F]You come crawlin back with some exc[D]use

[G]You forgot something


[G]Theres nothin' good about goodbye

I could swear I saw you c[C]ry

I Always knew you'd wind u[F]p

Fallin' Fallin' Harde[D]r

Every story has two si[G]des

In the he said she said [C]fight

Always knew you wind [F]up fallin fallin hard[D]er

Theres Nothin good about Goodby[G]e [F][D]

Just say goodbye[G] [F][D]

(Bridge) G C F D

fallin' Fallin out of

You're fallin' apart

Fallin' Fallin Out Of

YOu're Fallin Apart

Fallin Fallin' out of

You're Fallin' Apart

You're fallin out of

YOu're Fallin Apart

( Chorus)
Just say goodb[G]ye[F] [D]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: Nothin' Good About Goodbye - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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