Hợp âm - tab: Madonna Complex - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Madonna Complex - ( Song: Madonna Complex Album: The Cost of Living WEBsite: ...)

5 years ago510 David Singer
Song: Madonna Complex
Album: The Cost of Living
WEBsite: http://www.deepelm.com/bands/index_singer.html
Tabbed by: Don Tago
Email: [email protected]

Standard Tuning (Capo II)

Chords Used:
Am: 002210
C: 032010
Dm: 000231
F: 133211
F5: 133200
G: 320033

Intro: F F5 Am C X2
[F] [F5] [G] [C]
Verse 1
[F]pe[F5]ncils a[C]nd er[Am]aser[C]s. [F]ne[F5]ver [C]tell the t[F]ruth.
w[F]ai[F5]ting [C]on the t[Am]able in the co[G]rner,
[F]ho[F5]ur u[C]pon [Am]hou[C]r. [F]sk[F5]in ab[C]sorbing st[F]ains.
the th[F]ing y[F5]ou le[C]arn ab[Am]out the t[C]ips is.
w[F]hen [F5]it po[C]urs. it ra[G]ins.
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/d/david_singer/madonna_complex_crd.html )
there are t[F]imes when i feel da[C]ring and then. ot[Dm]hers i feel d[G]umb.
it's a str[F]uggle to mai[C]ntain my equ[G]ilibrium.
you can't h[F]ave any more cof[C]fee if i t[Dm]ake away your c[G]up.
i'm af[F]flicted with ma[C]donna complex. [G]i just can't give up, give [C]up.

Verse 2
[F]bu[F5]tter kn[C]ives and s[Am]auce[C]rs. [F]vi[F5]nega[C]r and o[F]il.
k[F]eep yo[F5]ur wi[C]shes fr[Am]esh with alumi[G]num foil.
[F]co[F5]nfid[C]ence de[Am]serts y[C]ou. n[F]ot[F5]hing y[C]ou can [F]do.
ye[F]ars [F5]go [C]by and h[Am]and to m[C]outh can g[G]et to you.

it can't [F]be that awful f[C]or me. if it o[Dm]nly makes me n[G]umb.
it's a stru[F]ggle to mai[C]ntain my equili[G]brium.
you can't ha[F]ve any more co[C]ffee if i t[Dm]ake away your [G]cup.
i'm af[F]flicted with ma[C]donna complex. [G]i just can't...... give [C]up

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Hợp âm: Madonna Complex - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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