Hợp âm - tab: Loretta - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Loretta - ( Steve Earle - Loretta (by Townes Van Zandt) Intro (LH mu...)

4 years ago894Other Songs Steve Earle
Steve Earle - Loretta (by Townes Van Zandt)

Intro (LH muting) ||G | | | ||x2
(here we go)
Verse 1
Oh Lor[G]etta she's a b[C]arroom g[G]irl w[C]ears them sevens on her sl[G]eeve
Dances like a d[C]iamond sh[G]ines t[C]ells me lies I love to bel[G]ieve
Her [D]age is always 22 her la[C]ughing eyes a hazel h[G]ue
Spends my money like w[C]ater f[G]alls l[C]oves me like I want her [G]to

Int D | |C |C G | | ||
Verse 2
Oh, Lor[G]etta, won't you s[C]ay to m[G]e, d[C]arling put your guitar [G]on
Have a little sh[C]ot of b[G]ooze pl[C]ay a blue and a wailing s[G]ong
My g[D]uitar rings a melody my g[C]uitar sings, Loretta's f[G]ine
Long and lazy, bl[C]onde and fr[G]ee and [C]I can have her any t[G]ime

Int ||D | |C |C G ||x2 G | | | ||

Verse 3
Sw[G]eetest at the br[C]eak of d[G]ay pr[C]ettiest in the setting s[G]un
She don't cry when [C]I can?t s[G]tay 'l[C]east not till she's all al[G]one
Lor[D]etta, I won?t be gone long ke[C]ep your dancing slippers [G]on
Keep me on your m[C]ind a wh[G]ile, c[C]omin' home, I?m comin' h[G]ome

Int D | |C |C G |G | | | ||
(Comin' home)

Verse 4
Oh Lor[G]etta she?s a b[C]arroom g[G]irl w[C]ears them sevens on her sl[G]eeve
Dances like a d[C]iamond sh[G]ines t[C]ells me lies I love to bel[G]ieve
Her [D]age is always 22 her la[C]ughing eyes a hazel h[G]ue
Spends my money like w[C]ater f[G]alls l[C]oves me like I want her [G]to

Int ||D | |C |C G ||x5 and fade
(I'm comin' home)

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Hợp âm: Loretta - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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