Hợp âm - tab: Last Night I Went Out Walking - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Last Night I Went Out Walking - ( [Intro] [G5] [(D5)] [G5] [(D5)] [Verse 1] Last n[G5]i...)


[G5] [(D5)] [G5] [(D5)]

[Verse 1]

Last n[G5]iG5ht I [(D5)]went out wa[G5]lking[(D5)]
out [G5]on the e[(D5)]dge of tow[D5]n, [(A)]
not [D5]going[(A5)] no place sp[D5]ecial,[(A)]
[D5]only wa[A5]ndering aro[G5]und. [(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)]

[Verse 2]

I c[G5]ae upo[(D5)]n a rive[G5]r. [(D5)]
I th[G5]ought about wh[(D5)]at you sai[D5]d [(A5)]
and [D5]couldn't[(A5)] stop it f[D5]lowing[(A5)]
and [D5]running th[A5]rough my [G5]head.[(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)]

[Verse 3]

You s[G5]aid that I[(D5)]'d been chan[G5]ging[(D5)]
and n[G5]ever se[(D5)]emed to lau[D5]gh, [(A5)]
but I c[D5]an't rec[(A5)]all the last tim[D5]e you smil[(A)]ed
and it's te[D5]aring m[A5]e in ha[G5]lf. [(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)] [G5] [(D5)] [G5] [(D5)] [D5] [(A)] [D5] [(A)] [D5] [(A)] [D5] [A5] [G5] [(D5)]



[G5] [(D5)]

[Verse 4]

I [G5]want to [(D5)]run and te[G5]ll you [(D5)]
the th[G5]oughts that are i[(D5)]n my hea[D5]d, [(A)]
but [D5]I don't th[(A5)]ink that you[D5]'d belie[(A)]ve
a s[D5]ingle wo[A5]rd I sa[G5]id. [(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)]

[Verse 5]

The r[G5]iver's w[(D5)]ater run[G5]s so coo[(D5)]l
it c[G5]alms my b[(D5)]urning skin[D5]. [(A)]
It t[D5]akes aw[(A5)]ay my ac[D5]hing th[(A)]oughts
and cl[D5]eanses a[A5]ll my si[G5]n. [(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)]

[Verse 6]

So l[G5]et it fl[(D5)]ow on, tak[G5]e me dow[(D5)]n,
to sl[G5]eep that qu[(D5)]iet slee[D5]p. [(A5)]
And [D5]roll m[(A5)]y body [D5]back to [(A5)]you
my l[D5]ove you may a[A5]lways ke[G5]ep.[(D5)]


[G5] [(D5)] [G5]

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Last Night I Went Out Walking - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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