Hợp âm - tab: Independence Day - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Independence Day - ( Independence Day - Bruce Springsteen [Bb] [F] [Bb] [F] ...)

Independence Day - Bruce Springsteen

[Bb] [F] [Bb] [F]


[Bb] [F] [C] [Bb]


Well papa go to bed now it's g[F]etting late
Nothing we can s[Bb]ay is gonna change anything [F]now
I'll be le[Bb]aving in the morning from St. [F]Mary's Gate
We wouldn't c[C]hange this thing even if we could so[Bb]mehow
Cause the da[Bb]rkness of this house has got the b[F]est of us
There's a d[Bb]arkness in this town that's got us t[F]oo
But they can't t[Bb]ouch me now and you can't t[F]ouch me now
They ain't gonna [C]do to me what I watched them do to [Bb]you

So say goodbye it's Inde[F]pendance Day
It's Inde[C]pendance Day all down the [Bb]line
Just say goodbye it's Inde[F]pendance Day
It's Inde[C]pendance Day this [Bb]time

Now I don't know what it always was [F]with us
We chose the w[Bb]ords, and yeah, we drew the l[F]ines
There was just [Bb]no way this house could hold the[F] two of us
I guess that we[C] were just too much of the same [Bb]kind

Well say goodbye it's Inde[F]pendance Day
It's Inde[C]pendance Day all boys must r[Bb]un away
So say goodbye it's Inde[F]pendance Day
All men must ma[C]ke their way come Indepen[Bb]dance Day

(Sax solo) | Bb | F | Bb | F | Bb | F | C | Bb

Now the rooms are all empty down at F[F]rankie's joint
And the highwa[Bb]y she's deserted clear down to [F]Breaker's Point
There's a lot of people [Bb]leaving town now, leaving their f[F]riends, their homes
At night they w[C]alk that dark and dusty highway a[Bb]ll alone
Well papa go to bed now, it's g[F]etting late
Nothing we can s[Bb]ay can change anything [F]now
Because there's just different people c[Bb]oming down here now
And they see things in different w[F]ays
And soon ev[C]erything we've known will just be s[Bb]wept away

So say goodbye it's In[F]dependance Day
Papa now I k[C]now the things you wanted that you c[Bb]ould not say
But won't you just say goodbye it's Inde[F]pendance Day
I swear I ne[C]ver meant to take those things a[Bb]way

| Bb | F | Bb | F | Bb | F | C | Bb | (to fade out)

[Bb] [F] [C]


rb...release bend
/....slide up
\....slide down

Danh sách hợp âm
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Hợp âm: Independence Day - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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