Hợp âm - tab: Hunting for Witches - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Hunting for Witches - ( A weekend In The city 2006 Submitted by: paramore_fans@ya...)

A weekend In The city
Submitted by: [email protected]

Key: A

Tuning: Standard EADGBe

Chords used:
[F#m]C#m [-]- [244322]x46654
D - xx0232
E - 022100
Bm - x24432
C# - x46664
E/G# - 476xxx

Intro: F#m-- x6

F#m--C#m-D-F#m--D-E- x2

Verse 1:
I was [F#m]sitting to[C#m][D]
on the [F#m]roof of my [D]house[E]
With a [F#m]shotgun[C#m] [D]
and a[F#m] six pack of beer
(six pack of [D]beer)[E]
The [F#m]newscaster say's
"the [C#m]enemy is a[D]mong us!"
As [F#m]bombs explode on the [D]30 [E]bus
[F#m]Kill your middle
class [C#m]inde[D]cision
[F#m]Now is not the [D]time
for [E]liberal thought

[F#m] [C#m] So I go [D]hunting
for [F#m]witches
[D] I go [E]hunting
for [F#m]witches
[C#m] Heads are [D]going
to [E]roll
[Bm] I go [C#]hunting for

Verse 2:
In the [F#m]90's[C#m] [D]
opti[F#m]mistic as a [D]teen[E]
But now its [F#m]terror[C#m][D]
airplanes [F#m]crash into towers
(into [D]towers)[E]
The [F#m]Daily mail
say's "the [C#m]enemy is a[D]mong us!"
"[F#m]Taking our women
and [D]taking our [E]jobs"
All [F#m]reasonable thought
is [C#m]being [D]drowned out
By the [F#m]non-stop baying
[E/G#]baying for blood

(Repeat Chorus)

I was an [D]ordinary man
with [Bm]ordinary desire
I [F#m]watched TV it in[A]formed me
I was an [D]ordinary man
with [Bm]ordinary desire
The[F#m]re must be accountabil[A]ity
[D]Despe[Bm]rate and [F#m]misin[A]formed
[D]Fear will keep us [Bm]all in [F#m----]place

Guitar Solo:

Bass Enters: C#m--D--E--Bm-C#-

(Repeat Chorus)
(Repeat Bridge)

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Hunting for Witches - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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