Chord/Tab song: Holland Road

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Holland Road - ( Tuning: Open D (D A D F# A D) Chords used: / STRUMMING ...)

Tuning: Open D (D A D F# A D)

Chords used:


D |-0---0---0---0--|----------------|
A |-0---0---0---0--|----------------|
D |-0---5---7---9--|-0---0---0---0--|
A |-0---5---7---9--|----------------|
D |-0---0---0---0--|-0---5---7---9--|

[D] [G] [A] [Bm] [D] [G] [A] [Bm]
PICKING PATTERN: (let all notes ring)

D |----------0--------|
A |-------------------|
D |-0-----0-----0-----|

[1]tm [2] [3]t [4]i [5]t[6]

Chord progression for the intro and verses:
| D | D G | D | D G | D | A | Bm | Bm G |

Chord progression for the chorus:
| G | D | Bm | Bm A |

Now, here's the actual song:

INTRO (use PICKING chords)

| D | D G | D | D G | D | A | Bm | Bm G |

So [G]I was lo[D]st
Go [G]count the ca[D]rds befo[A]re you g[Bm]o
to the Ho[G]lland r[D]oad
With your h[G]eart like a s[D]tone you spare no ti[A]me in lashing ou[Bm]t
And I kn[G]ew your pa[D]in
and the ef[G]fect of my sh[D]ame but y[A]ou

cut me [G]dow[D]n[Bm][A]
you cut me [G]dow[D]n[Bm][A]

D (start strumming here, use STRUMMING chords)

And I w[G]ill not t[D]ell
the tho[G]ughts of he[D]ll that ca[A]rry me h[Bm]ome
from the ho[G]lland r[D]oad
With my he[G]art like a st[D]one i put u[A]p no fi[Bm]ght
to your cal[G]lous m[D]ind
And from yo[G]ur corner y[D]ou rose t[A]o

cut me [G]dow[D]n[Bm][A]
you cut me [G]dow[D]n[Bm][A]

[D] [G] [D] [G] [D] [A] [Bm]
So I h[G]id my lo[D]ve
and little d[G]id I kn[D]ow
that would n[A]ot be the e[Bm]nd
from the hol[G]land ro[D]ad
Well i r[G]ose and i ro[D]se and i pa[A]id less t[Bm]ime
to your cal[G]lous m[D]ind
and I wis[G]hed you we[D]ll as y[A]ou

cut me [G]dow[D]n[Bm][A]
you cut me [G]dow[D]n[Bm][A]

But I st[G]ill bel[D]ieve
though there's cra[G]cks, you'll s[D]ee
When I am o[G]n my kn[D]ees I will st[A]ill bel[Bm]ieve
And when I have h[G]it the gro[D]und
neither lo[G]st nor fou[D]nd
If you'll bel[G]ieve in m[D]e I wi[A]ll still bel[Bm]ieve

[G] [D] [Bm] [A]

Aaaaaah Haaaaaa
Aaaaaah Haaaaaa

And I will st[G]ill beli[D]eve though there's cra[G]cks you'll s[D]ee
when I am o[G]n my k[D]nees I will st[A]ill bel[Bm]ieve
And when I have h[G]it the gro[D]und
Neither lo[G]st nor fo[D]und
If you'll bel[G]ieve in m[D]e I will st[A]ill bel[Bm]ieve

[G] [D] [Bm] [A]
Aaaaaah Haaaaaa
Aaaaaah Haaaaaa

End with A

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Chord: Holland Road - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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