Chord/Tab song: Dry Lightning

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Dry Lightning - ( Dry Lightning - Bruce Springsteen [G] [F] [C]......)

Dry Lightning - Bruce Springsteen

[G] [F] [C]



[C]Threw my robe on in the m[F]orning
Watched the ring on the stove turn to r[C]ed,
Stared hypnotized into a cup of co[G]ffee
Pulled on my boots and made my be[C]d
Screen door hangin' off its h[F]inges
Kept bangin' me awake all n[C]ight
As I look out the wi[G]ndow
The only thing in s[C]ight

Is dry light[F]ning
On the horizon l[C]ine
Just dry lig[G]htning[Gsus][G]
And you o[Gsus]n my mi[C]nd

I chased the heat of her bl[F]ood
Like it was the holy gr[C]ail
Descend beautiful sp[G]irit
Into the evening p[C]ale
Her appaloosa[F]'s
Kickin' in the corral smelling r[C]ain
There's a low thunder ro[G]lling
'Cross the mesquite p[C]lain

But it's dry ligh[F]tning
On the horizon l[C]ine
Just dry lig[G]htning[Gsus][G]
And you o[Gsus]n my mi[C]nd

[C] [F] [C] [G]




I'd drive down to Alvarado s[G]treet
Where she danced to make end[C]s meet
I'd spend the night [G]over my gin
As she'd talk [C]to her men[G]

Well the piss yellow [F]sun
Comes bringing up the [C]day
She said ain't nobody gonna give no[G]body
What they really need an[C]yway
You get so sick of the fig[F]hting
You lose your fear of the e[C]nd
But you can't lose your m[G]emory
And the sweet smell of your s[C]kin

And it's dry light[F]ning
On the horizon l[C]ine
Just dry lig[G]htning[Gsus][G]
[Gsus] [C]

And you on my mind --------------|-----|

[G] [F] [C] [Gsus]


Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: Dry Lightning - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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