Chord/Tab song: Crown Him [Majesty]

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Crown Him [Majesty] - ( Key of Db Intro: Bbm7 Gb(#4) Db/F Absus4 Verse 1: [Bbm7...)

4 years ago919 Chris Tomlin
Key of Db

Intro: Bbm7 Gb(#4) Db/F Absus4

Verse 1:
[Bbm7]Crown Him with many c[Gb2]rowns
The [Db/F]Lamb upon His [Absus4]throne
Hark! [Bbm7]How the [Bbm/Ab]heavenly [Eb/G]anthem [Absus4]drowns
All [Ab2]music [Eb]but its [Absus4]own;
A[Db/F]wake my soul and [Gb]sing
Of [Eb/G]Him who died for [Absus4]me
And [Bbm7]hail Him [Bbm/Ab]as thy [Gb2]matchless [Db/F]King
Through [Ebm7]all e - [Absus4]terni - [Db]ty.

[Gb2]Majesty, [Db/F]Lord of all
Let [Gb2]every throne be[Bbm7]fore Him [Absus4]fall
The [Gb2]King of kings, O [Db/F]come adore
Our [Ebm7]God who [Db/F]reigns for[Absus4]ever - [Db]more.

Verse 2:
[Bbm7]Crown Him Lord of [Gb2]life
Who [Db/F]triumphed o'er the [Absus4]grave
And [Bbm7]rose victorious [Eb/G]in the [Absus4]strife
For [Ab]those He [Eb]came to [Absus4]save;
His [Db/F]glories now we [Gb2]sing
Who [Eb/G]died and rose on [Absus4]high[Ab/Gb]
Who [Bbm7]died e[Bbm/Ab]ternal [Gb2]life to [Db/F]bring
And [Ebm7]lives that [Absus4]death may [Db]die.

All [Gb]hail, Re[Db/F]deemer, [Absus4]hail
For [Db]He has [Db/F]died for [Gb]me
His [Ebm7]praise and [Db/F]glory [Bbm7]shall not [Absus4]fail
Through[Gb2]out e[Absus4]terni - [Db]ty.

Chords List

Chord: Crown Him [Majesty] - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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