Chord/Tab song: Chandelier Thief

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Chandelier Thief - ( Intro: A C#m x2 Verse 1: [A] Second hand coffee grinds s...)

5 years ago921Shame (2015) Petal
Intro: A C#m x2

Verse 1:
[A] Second hand coffee
grinds sit in [C#m]water
[A] Bed sheets with
flowers balled
up [C#m]like fists
at the end of
the [A]mattress[C#m][A][C#m]

Verse 2:
[A] I wish you were
the bird outside
of my win[C#m]dow
Making it [A]hard
to [C#m]leave Hovering
[A]over [C#m]me like a
chandelier thief[F#m][G#m][A]

Chorus 1:
[F#m]Blue [G#m]eyes s[A]teal me
[F#m]Blue [G#m]eyes s[A]teal me
[F#m]Blue [G#m]eyes s[A]teal me
I [Am]never asked
you to watch me
in my sleep[A]

Interlude: A C#m B x4

Verse 3:
[A]Sitting in a room
of [B]candles [A]Wishing
that the power [B]went
out [A]Light pours
from your [B]face

Be thankful for
the [A]floor it leads
you to a [B]new place

Verse 4:
The [A]thickest wall
the [B]most trustworthy
thing that [A]you know[B]

Chorus 2:
[F#m]Blue [G#m]eyes s[A]teal me
[F#m]Blue [G#m]eyes s[A]teal me
[F#m]Blue [G#m]eyes s[A]teal me[Am]

Chorus 3:
So [E]hover over me
like a [A]chandelier
thief A [C#m]king size
bed big e[B]nough for
the crest of the
[A]river My brick
laying [B]lover No
[F#m]matter how much
[G#m]distance we [A]put
between Can't
[F#m]guaran[G#m]tee we
wouldn't [A]touch
our feet [F#m]Wouldn't
touch [G#m]our [A]feet
in our sleep[Am]

Chorus 4:
[E]Blue eyes s[A]teal me
[E]Blue eyes s[A]teal me
[E]Blue eyes s[A]teal me
[E]Blue eyes s[A]teal me

Chords List

Chord: Chandelier Thief - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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