Hợp âm - tab: Blood and Roses - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Blood and Roses - ( Blood and Roses by The Smithereens - Transcribbed by DWdr...)

4 years ago1164 The Smithereens
Blood and Roses by The Smithereens - Transcribbed by DWdrummer67

This is a little different from the versions you'll find online. I thought was
easier if the whole song was chorded out. During the break, I do a single strum
between the Em and D for 4 counts. Feel free to take liberties with it, it's a
great tune. Enjoy!

Tuning: Standard

[Em]It was l[G]ong [Em]ago[G]? [D]se[Em]ems like ye[G]sterd[Em]ay[G][D]
I s[Em]aw you sta[G]nding [Em]in the rai[G]n?[D] t[Em]hen I he[G]ard you s[Em]ay[G][D]
I w[C]ant to love but it co[D]mes out wr[Em]ong
I w[C]ant to live but I do[D]n?t bel[Em]ong
I cl[C]ose my eyes and I s[D]ee blood and ro[Em]ses[G][Em][G][D][Em][G][Em][G][D]
Brought fl[Em]owers [G]in the sp[Em]ringtim[G]e?[D] I t[Em]old her [G]we were w[Em]ed[G][D]
In wi[Em]nterti[G]me the ro[Em]ses di[G]ed?[D] her b[Em]lood ran c[G]old and t[Em]hen she sa[G]id[D]
I w[C]ant to love but it co[D]mes out wr[Em]ong
I w[C]ant to live but I do[D]n?t bel[Em]ong
C D Em G Em G D Em G Em G D Em?
I close my eyes and I see blood and roses


[Em]It was lo[G]ng [Em]ago[G]? [D]se[Em]ems like y[G]ester[Em]day[G][D]
I s[Em]aw you sta[G]nding [Em]in the ra[G]in[D]? t[Em]hen I he[G]ard you s[Em]ay[G][D]
I ne[C]ed to love but it co[D]mes out wr[Em]ong
I tr[C]ied to live but I do[D]n?t bel[Em]ong
I cl[C]ose my eyes and I s[D]ee blood and ro[Em]ses[G][Em][G]
Bl[D]ood and ro[Em]ses[G][Em][G]
Bl[D]ood and ro[Em]ses[G][Em][G]
D Em G Em G D Em?
Blood and roses

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Blood and Roses - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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