Hợp âm - tab: All the Way Down - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: All the Way Down - ( [Bm/A] [Bm/G] [F#/A] |---2(0)----------|---------| |---...)

[Bm/A] [Bm/G] [F#/A]


You should try to play melody B-A-G in 5. and 6. strings
when you play chords.
--chords by Samet NUREL e-mail:snurel@gmail.com--

[Bm]You have [Bm/A]broken me [Bm/G]all the way down
[Bm]Down up[Bm/A]on my knee[Bm/G]s
[Bm]And you h[Bm/A]ave broken m[Bm/G]e all the way now
[Bm]You'll be the[Bm/A] last you se[Bm/G]e
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/glen_hansard/all_the_way_down_crd_ver_4.html )

And[F#/A] some fight you [G]gave [A]when I p[F#/A]ushed you a[G]way fr[A]om me
And i[D]n the [A]morning [Bm]when you're t[G]urning, I[D]'ll be f[A]ar to s[Bm]ea
[Bm]You have [Bm/A]broken me [Bm/G]all the way down
[Bm]You'll be the[Bm/A] last you [Bm/G]see

And[F#/A] what chance had we [G]got w[A]hen you [F#/A]missed every [G]shot f[A]or me
And i[D]n the [A]morning [Bm]when you're t[G]urning, I[D]'ll be o[A]ut of r[Bm]each
And i[D]n the [A]darkness[Bm] when you fin[G]d this, I[D]'ll be f[A]ar to s[Bm]ea

[Bm]And You h[Bm/A]ave broken[Bm/G] me all the way down
[Bm]You'll be the[Bm/A] last you [Bm/G]see

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Hợp âm: All the Way Down - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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