Hợp âm - tab: A Light So Dim - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: A Light So Dim - ( [F#m]There are no tr[C#m]ains that le[F#m]ave from the m[...)

[F#m]There are no tr[C#m]ains that le[F#m]ave from the m[C#m]aze
[F#m]My only ch[C#m]ance was a s[F#m]hip to e[C#m]scape
If [F#m]you are the l[C#m]ight house [F#m]in the st[C#m]orm
[F#m]I'll be the s[C#m]hip with a th[F#m]ousand dead s[C#m]ouls
[F#m]How long will they believe in a light so dim
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/t/the_black_heart_procession/a_light_so_dim_crd.html )
[F#m]Down in the g[C#m]allows the d[F#m]arkness g[C#m]lows
It was [F#m]hard to [C#m]see in the h[F#m]earts of [C#m]them
[F#m]If you see a l[C#m]ight c[F#m]all down b[C#m]elow
[F#m]I'll be mo[C#m]ving and s[F#m]orting out our f[C#m]ears
[F#m]How long will we believe in a light so dim
[F#m]Cause time is all we have so make the time

[F#m]Throw down the [C#m]line I[F#m]'ll see to cl[C#m]imb
[F#m]If it's held c[C#m]lose it [F#m]may just [C#m]work
[F#m]If you are the [C#m]light house [F#m]in the s[C#m]torm
[F#m]I'll be the [C#m]ship filled with a t[F#m]housand dead s[C#m]ouls
[F#m]And time is all we have so take the time
[F#m]To make the time and make time to take the time

Danh sách hợp âm
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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C#m1fr2fr3fr4frxx213o

Hợp âm: A Light So Dim - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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