Hợp âm - tab: You Lie - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: You Lie - ( Hey y'all this is my first tab so hope y'all enjoy! Love ...)

Hey y'all this is my first tab so hope y'all enjoy! Love this band!! I got this
tab partially from ear and from watching this live performance that someone posted
on youtube!!!! Have funn!!


standard tuning... no capo
intro- Em,G, Cadd9, D x2

[Em]It ain't complicated
[G]Well I've grown to hate it
[Cadd9]I never liked the taste of crow
[D]But baby I ate it
[Em]They tried to warn me
[G]They said that you were ornery
[Cadd9]So don't bring me those big brown eyes
[D]and tell me that you're sorry
[C]You might as well throw gasoline o[D]n a fire
The way you lie[G][D][Cadd9]
[G]You lie like a pricel[D]ess Persian [Cadd9]rug on
( Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/t/the_band_perry/you_lie_crd_ver_4.html )
a rich man's floor
[G]Yeah you lie like [D]a coon dog basking
in t[Cadd9]he sunshine on my porch
[Em]Well you lie like[C] a penny in a parki[D]ng
[Em]It just comes way too natural t[C]o you
The way you lie[G][D][Cadd9]
[Em]That ain't my perfume, I bet she ha[G]d a curfew
Yo[Cadd9]u told me you were out with the boys and
[D]baby I believed you
[Em]So why you lookin' so nervous
[C]You know you kind of deserve this
[G]I ought to kill you right now
[D]And do the whole wide world a service
[C]Well my daddy's gonna straighten you out
Like a piece o[D]f wire, like a piece of wire
The way you lie[G][D][Cadd9]
[G]You lie like the m[D]an with the slicked back
[Cadd9]hair who sold me that Ford
[G]Yeah you lie like[D] a pine tree in the back yard
after last m[Cadd9]onth's storm
[Em]Well you lie like [C]a penny in a p[D]arkin[G]g lot
[Em]It just comes way too natural [C]to you
The way you lie[G][D][Cadd9]
[C]Well I tell you what I'm gonna do
[Em]I'm gonna drive [G]to the big old muddy river
[Cadd9]I'm gonna park my car in the middle of the
[Em]mile long bride
[Em]And then I'm gonna cry
[G]Well maybe just a little
[Cadd9]Then I'm gonna slip off the ring

that you put on my finger
And give[D] it a big old fling and watch i[G]t sink
[D]Down, [Cadd9]down, do[D]wn
[G]And there it's gonn[D]a lie until the Lord
[Cadd9]comes back around
[G]Because you lie like a priceless[D] Persian rug on
[Cadd9]a rich man's floor
[G]Yeah you lie like a coon dog b[D]asking
in the sunshine o[Cadd9]n my porch
[Em]Well you lie like a[C] penny in[D] a pa[G]rking

[Em]It just comes so dang natura[C]l to you
The way you lie[G][D][Cadd9]
T[D]he way you lie[G][D][Cadd9]
[C]Well it's what you do, it's wh[G]o you are

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Cadd91fr2fr3fr4frx21o3o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Hợp âm: You Lie - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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