Hợp âm - tab: Wounded Bird - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Wounded Bird - ( This is an excellent cut from Graham Nash's 1971 solo alb...)

This is an excellent cut from Graham Nash's 1971 solo album "Songs For Beginners". This
definitely fits the name of the album. It's as simple as it gets, even if a couple
are a bit unfamiliar at first. I put the chords all throughout for timing, but it
the same progression through all the verses.

CAPO ON 2ND FRET! The song's in D.
E: 022100
A6add9: x44200
E/D#: x66400

I've w[E]atched you go through c[A6add9]hanges that no [E/D#]man should face [A6add9]alone

T[E]ake to heel or t[A6add9]ame the horse the c[E/D#]hoice is still your o[A6add9]wn

But a[E]rm yourself a[A6add9]gainst the pain a [E/D#]wounded bird can [A6add9]give

And i[E]n the end rem[A6add9]ember it's with y[E/D#]ou you have to li[A6add9]ve

And i[E]n the end rem[A6add9]ember it's with y[E/D#]ou you have to li[E]ve

[E] [A6add9] [E/D#] [A6add9]
St[E]and your ground I [A6add9]think you've got the [E/D#]guts it takes to [A6add9]win

But y[E]ou must learn to t[A6add9]urn the key bef[E/D#]ore she'll let you i[A6add9]n

And u[E]nderstand the p[A6add9]roblems of the g[E/D#]irl you want so [A6add9]near

Or you'll w[E]ear the coat of [A6add9]questions till the a[E/D#]nswer hat is [A6add9]here

You'll w[E]ear the coat of [A6add9]questions till the [E/D#]answer hat is [E]here

[E] [A6add9] [E/D#] [A6add9]
S[E]erenade your [A6add9]angel with a [E/D#]love song from your [A6add9]eyes

G[E]row a little t[A6add9]aller even t[E/D#]hough your age de[A6add9]fies

F[E]eel a little s[A6add9]maller and in s[E/D#]tature you will r[A6add9]ise

A h[E]obo or a [A6add9]poet must kill dr[E/D#]agons for a br[A6add9]ide

And h[E]umble pie is [A6add9]always hard to sw[E/D#]allow with your pr[E]ide

Danh sách hợp âm
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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D#1fr2fr3fr4frxx4132

Hợp âm: Wounded Bird - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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