Hợp âm - tab: Worrisome Years - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Worrisome Years - ( capo 5th fret [Intro] [D] [G] [D] [Chorus] In the w[D]...)

capo 5th fret

[D] [G] [D]

In the w[D]orrisome years, over the hills
I thought it's supposed to get eas[G]ier, to pay your bi[D]lls
I got nothing to sh[G]ow, but a worrisome h[D]eart
Can ya pl[D]ease te[A7]ll me[G], when does the good part st[D]art?

[Verse 1]
I [D]done like they told me, I done like I should
Ever since I sta[G]rted, just trying to make [D]good
trying to make a go[G]od life, for my fa[D]mily
but I ca[D]n't b[A7]uy no[G]ne of that stuff the kids w[D]ant from TV

In the w[D]orrisome years, over the hills
I thought it's supposed to get eas[G]ier, to pay your bi[D]lls
I got nothing to sh[G]ow, but a worrisome h[D]eart
Can ya pl[D]ease te[A7]ll me[G], when does the good part st[D]art?

[Verse 2]
I [D]think about leaving, but where would I go?
How would I g[G]et there? I don't kn[D]ow
I took my st[G]and here, I don't want to ro[D]am
This old to[D]wn ai[A7]n't mu[G]ch, but it's all I know of [D]home

In the w[D]orrisome years, over the hills
I thought it's supposed to get eas[G]ier, to pay your bi[D]lls
I got nothing to sh[G]ow, but a worrisome h[D]eart
Can ya pl[D]ease te[A7]ll me[G], when does the good part st[D]art?

[Verse 3]
I [D]look at Cheryl, she looks at me
We don't tal[G]k no more, about our dre[D]ams
We don't ha[G]ve no fun, the way we used to[D] do
Don't b[D]e di[A7]sappoin[G]ted in me baby,
I ain't disappointed in [D]you

[D]It's just the worrisome years, over the hills
I thought it's supposed to get eas[G]ier, to pay your [D]bills
I got nothing to sh[G]ow, but a worrisome he[D]art
Can ya p[D]lease te[A7]ll m[G]e, when does the good part start[D]?
[G]When does the good part sta[D]rt, hey when [G]does the good part st[D]art
Umm u[G]mm umm, when does the good part sta[D]rt?

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Hợp âm: Worrisome Years - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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